Friday, August 24, 2012

"I extend my great appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in their efforts to

With help from the Coast Guard, the National Park Service, and a commercial cruise ship, more than 70 people were safely rescued from a sightseeing ship at Glacier Bay National Park that began taking on water after apparently hitting a rock.
The Coast Guard launched an Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew with a dewatering pump and diverted the Coast Guard Cutter Anacapa to assist. Meanwhile, the Holland America cruise spirit airlines homepage ship Volendam used its tender to transfer passengers from the Baranof Wind to their vessel.
Seventy passengers were taken aboard the cruise ship, while two others were transferred to a Park Service vessel. Four crewmembers remained spirit airlines homepage aboard spirit airlines homepage the Baranof Wind to maintain pumps and monitor the vessel.
"I extend spirit airlines homepage my great appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in their efforts to aid the Baranof Wind ," said Glacier Bay Superintendent Susan Boudreau. "This was a phenomenal effort from everyone. Thank you so much for providing such professional assistance."
Coast Guard Sector Juneau is sending response personnel to investigate the cause of the grounding spirit airlines homepage and any pollution potential. They are also working with the Park Service and Allen Marine to develop a towing plan to deliver spirit airlines homepage the Baranof Wind to Sitka, Alaska.

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