Saturday, August 4, 2012

“I think what we have really protects that regular season and it also adds a little bit of flavor to

"You take 11 [conference enterprize rental car champions] and then you add five at-large [teams], give 'em a chance," Johnson said this week at ACC Media Days. "If your conference hasn't done well, you become the 16th seed. You have to go play against No. 1, but at least you had a chance."
Of eight ACC coaches who were surveyed, three agreed with Johnson in expanding the format, although they favored enterprize rental car an eight-team playoff instead of Johnson's 16. Two professed a wait-and-see enterprize rental car stance and two would like to stay at four.
Besides Johnson, those favoring expansion liked the idea of giving champions of the five "power" conferences – ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC – access into the field along with three at-large teams.
"If you win a conference with 10 wins, then you ought to be able to play for a national championship," N.C. State coach Tom O'Brien said. "If you go to eight teams, you can probably accommodate something like that. At four, that might not be good."
While an argument against a larger playoff holds that the regular season's importance would be diminished, Golden contended that the automatic bids for conference champions and the chase for an at-large bid would retain the regular season's importance.
With a four-team field, "one loss and you're out for the most part," he said. "But now you're saying you've got to win your conference or apply this formula enterprize rental car to be one of those next three [at-large teams]? I think that would be incredible."
Florida State's Jimbo Fisher and Clemson's Dabo Swinney like a four-team playoff. Fisher allowed that an eight-team playoff could give a team more leeway to overcome an injury-plagued enterprize rental car stretch of the season, but pointed to the NFL for a reason against it.
"I think what we have really protects that regular season enterprize rental car and it also adds a little bit of flavor enterprize rental car to the end of the postseason and maybe solves a little of the debate," Swinney enterprize rental car said. "I personally enterprize rental car don't think we've spent a lot of time arguing about the fifth and sixth team. I'm sure that'll happen, but it's been more the second, third, fourth team."
"The [BCS] system was [considered] so bad, yet college football was going like this in attendance, excitement," he said, raising his hand in an upward arc. "TV exposure went up and up, [but critics said], 'It stinks! It stinks!' … I don't know. What's wrong with that?"
Starting in 2014, the college football world will find out. And if Johnson wants to lead the Yellow Jackets into a 16-team playoff, he'll have to wait until his 19th season to do so. The four-team format is contracted to run through the 2025 season.
We love Coach Johnson for a number reasons. Number one he is both smart and fair. He won national championships in a division where the NCAA has a playoff enterprize rental car system plan that is sane. Unfortunately, the new playoff system for Division I (or whatever you call it these days) is still a fraud and even a bit insane, but maybe it is a beginning for something better down the road. Sure wish the NCAA could act as tough against the old BCS crowd as they did against enterprize rental car Penn State. At least come up with a fully sponsored NCAA playoff system for Division I that makes sense.
Oh, gee the words former computer technician make all the difference from those such as alumnus, graduate, professor, coach, or student. Has your company ever fired a janitor or some other auxiliary position for criminal offenses? I bet they have. I bet UGA has too. Shoot, everyone from global companies down to your local Wal-Mart deal with that kind of issue. Just doesn t seem like GT s problem. He is, however, the kind of sicko that needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. I hope Dekalb handles that decisively and with no mercy.
I knew there had to be something enterprize rental car that PJ and I agreed on. I have been saying that a 16 team playoff is the right way to go for 10 years. Incorporate the existing bowls to make it happen. GT has no worry about being in it, though, unless they develop a passing attack.
He was probably a FORMER employee of several other places as well, but that doesn t mean that the sleaze-ball crap he did is a reflection of any of those places. He may have also been a FORMER employee of Macy s or GSU or some church. For all we know, he also was a former employee at UGA. So what!. It doesn t matter in the least. No matter where he worked, he is a pervert who deserves the full punishment accorded such creeps
When it comes to football, I don t agree with that trade school on North Avenue about much. However, I completely agree with Coach Johnson about this one. I can t believe they don t have a 16 team playoff system. Let them play and let s see who the best team and conference is. Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey.
@WnE. Really man, he bother you that much? Does the man really bother you that much? Man get a girlfriend a wife a hobbie, for God sake go fishing. You sound like a boy with a problem. Good luck man hope your blood pressure lets you live to your 30 or so. Geez.
WnE will be campaigning against every little thing CPJ does or says until the day the man no longer works at Tech. Then whoever is hired next is going to be the devil incarnate enterprize rental car to him unless he s Bobby Dodd reincarnated. Then again, Dodd s boys could cut block something fierce!
TY, probably within the next four or five seasons if we see improvement from our defense and special teams while keeping the O-line recruiting on the upward trend. Tech s option game paired with a good defense really would be a scary thing to behold. Clock-killing option drives from a Top 3 rushing offense enterprize rental car followed by three-and-outs from the other guys? No one wants to be on the other end of that! If you can t keep the ball, our offense will drive it slowly down the field for points enterprize rental car ALL GAME. It s a death sentence when we have a good defensive game! Ask Clemson. Ask Kansas. If Tech s defense can eventually build up to a Top 20 level, Tech could easily have an 10 win or better season and have a shot at the Top 4 and a playoff.
enterprize rental car The mathematics here are pretty simple. There are currently 6 AQ conferences + ND that control the BCS this is a total of 70 schools. Conservative estimations are that a CFB playoff would triple the amount of money paid out compareed to the current BCS. 3/125 1/70
@Spider I hate to be the one to tell you, but you overrated mutts will never make it in the top four either with LSU, Alabama, USC, Oregon, OlK.. and so on. Maybe you should push for expanded playoffs too! LOL
I haven t read each comment in its entirety so I may be duplicating here. I like an 8 or 16 team play-off personally. I would think that CPJ might favor the 16 team playoff due to the system he runs. If Tech (or his next team) were to be in the top 16 (even at a 16) it could create nightmares for a higher seeded team with them having only 1 week to prepare for the tripple option. It would give any CPJ coached team a better than average chance of advancing and even possibly winning a NC. With a 4 team playoff, the odds are not in his favor of being in the top 4 very often. Top 16? That s plausible. I can assure you that teams like BAMA and LSU would rather face each other than a tripple option team with only a week to prepare. After all, Georgia Southern put more points on the board against enterprize rental car BAMA than LSU did (in 2 games). The tripple option is a nightmare to prepare for (especially in one week), and I don t care what anyone thinks about it being a high school enterprize rental car offense or not. With a 16 team format, all you have to do is run off 4 in a row without any team having a month to prepare for the option and he wins a NC at the D-1 level to go with the one he won at Southern. No, I don t think the tripple option is the best system over the long haul but for a short span, it could be the right recipe.
dap01, perhaps you don t remember when Sanford Son Stadium was a tiny stadium in a hick town, and periodically they had to play games at Grant Field just to attract a crowd. And that, bubba, was as recent enterprize rental car as the early 60s.
Cody and dap01, no matter what you say, you will not change reality and make Georgia Tech magically become Duke or Wake Forest. No, we haven t beat the dwags in a while, enterprize rental car and, no we haven t made a habit of it. But just because your team is focused on a national title lately enterprize rental car and has a huge following doesn t mean Tech isn t a darn good team in a darn good location. God help you and the rest of our opponents if our recruiting ever breaks through to the top levels and we re still running option spread with a 3-4. Ask your own players if they enjoy preparing for that game!
North Ave, the best way to put it to you is that Tevin will be pulled if he doesn t produce enterprize rental car the passing enterprize rental car numbers in the first two quarters of play. His leash will be shorter with so much speed and passing ability behind him on the roster. We have to play basically the whole division at the beginning of the season. If we don t pass efficiently (not often, just efficiently), then we have to try another QB and other receivers. CPJ will do what we need to do to win games.
Let s see; the NCAA (and the fans for that matter) LOVE March madness, which I believe has more than four teams competing, and also, RIGHT NOW, baseball, golf, tennis and track and field teams include enterprize rental car more than four teams in their championship(s) matches. As mentioned in the article, even the lower tiered, NCAA sponsored, football Championships, more than four teams are invited to participate. So why is it that in the biggest stage of them all that these aren t able to handle the rigors every other sport (or even the same sport but at a lower division) can? Are the Division One players less intelligent? Is their time more valuable? Is their course load harder? What, pray tell, makes them so much more special than every other collegiate athlete?
[...] Johnson is in favor of a sixteen-team playoff.  Of course he is, bless his heart.  And for just the reason you d expect. "You take 11 [conference champions] and then you add five at-large [teams], give 'em

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