Sunday, September 30, 2012

A rotating teacher can teach reading and writing of music, the history of his/her instrument and the

Jacksonville musicians file labor charge against symphony alamo car rental discounts management The union says the orchestra management has been bargaining in bad faith. Posted: September 20, 2012 - 3:37pm alamo car rental discounts | Updated: September 21, 2012 - 3:43am
The union that represents the musicians of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra filed an "economic bad faith bargaining charge" against alamo car rental discounts orchestra alamo car rental discounts management with the National Labor Relations Board on Thursday.
On Tuesday, after five months alamo car rental discounts of negotiations, the symphony board declared an impasse and imposed its last contract offer, which would cut the base salary for most of the 53 core positions in the orchestra by almost 20 percent and increase the amount the musicians must pay for health insurance.
Peter Wright, the orchestra's principal clarinetist and the president of Local 444 of the American Federation of Music, said that by declaring alamo car rental discounts an impasse, the board "has essentially alamo car rental discounts made the decision to shut down one of the last remaining professional orchestras in Florida until their proposals are accepted. … We are sympathetic to their issues but accepting their cuts would mean each musician would be making less than a living wage."
The proposal the board imposed, an offer it made in May and has not changed, is that the base salary for most core positions in the orchestra would be $976 per week for 33 weeks, or $32,208 for the year. Last season's base salary was $40,155 for 37 weeks. Last season, the symphony association paid almost all of the $8,300 cost of an individual health plan. Under the new proposal, the association alamo car rental discounts would pay $4,500 for individual policies and $5,500 for family policies with the musicians responsible for the rest of the cost.
The school system has a required music class. Let the Jacksonville Symphony teach it in conjunction with the performance schedule. It would require reducing the performance schedule, but that's better than the Symphony going out of business.
alamo car rental discounts Junior High students are easier to teach than Senior High students. It would be good to have a real musician teaching than videos and books. Reading and writing music is easy. However, having a professional adds value to the experience.
alamo car rental discounts A rotating teacher can teach reading and writing of music, the history of his/her instrument and the orchestra; the minute idiosyncrasies of his/her instrument in relation to the orchestra, and explain the discipline it requires to be a professional musician in a world class orchestra.
In regards to the business marketing of the equation it creates a future customer base in a relational marketing aspect for future generations. Thus, not only does this experience enhance the students cognitive alamo car rental discounts development it increases the value of the orchestra in the minds of a new customer base.
Its supposed to be a NEGOTIATION right? So why isn't management negotiating? Drawing the line in the sand and saying "this is it" isn't negotiating - its just bullying. To my uncertain knowledge alamo car rental discounts the ONLY method that management has used to address the shortfalls every single stinking time over the past few years is to cut salaries.
The consensus here seems to be that the symphony deserves to die, and then of course we can close the libraries and that solves that problem and then the museums will close and the rest of the parks and for good measure close a few schools while you are at it.
The musicians are not worth what they think they are worth. alamo car rental discounts There are not enough tickets being sold to support them - kind of like a business not doing enough business to stay open. Now they are demanding to keep their pay level and jobs despite the lack of a fan base and financial support.
The economy alamo car rental discounts is poor. Many people are taking cuts. When only working 37 weeks that leaves plenty of time to get a job elsewhere. I teach music at a university but in the summer I run a landscaping alamo car rental discounts business with family to earn more. I believe if the money was available the management would of found it in this current alamo car rental discounts financial situation. alamo car rental discounts If the musicians think the money is out there to be raised they should show the management they aren't doing their job and raise it themselves instead of playing "Law and Order" and wasting time and money on court cases. Be proactive!
Lets see, $3 million in the red with another $1.5 million tacked on if cuts arent made. Once again the union fails to realize there are only so many beans in the pot. Where does the union and musicians think the money will come from? Higher ticket prices? Is the symphony sold out every performance? It's been my experience it isnt. And what would higher alamo car rental discounts ticket prices do to current sales during this economy in this area? I would be even less revenue would be obtained.
Maybe it's time to disband the symphony and allow these musicians to move on to a town that will meet their fiscal wants/desires. After all, being a member of one of the last 'professional symphonies' in Florida must count for something on a resume. Good luck with that.
Also, the best orchestra in the State is the New World Symphony in Miami. They pay them much less as they are slightly past student age looking for jobs but their product is amazingly high, twice if not three times the level of the Jacksonville Orchestra. The city could implement a training orchestra with young vibrant musicians here in the community and save a lot of money! We don't need to be wasting alamo car rental discounts money here in this day and time.

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