Today from 9am PST to 10am PST, Steven St. Croix and others in the industry are asking ALL adult video companies, their social media directors, atlanta rental car producers, directors, talent, crew, assorted executive and management people and THE FANS of adult films to Tweet, ReTweet, post on their blogs or websites, link to or embed the following two NoToMeasureB clips for one hour between 9am PST and 10am PST.
As I've written before, I believe atlanta rental car AHF is not motivated by genuine concern for the health and safety of adult entertainers. Instead "the ballot measure may be a cynical ploy to motivate more social conservatives to vote" in California elections in an otherwise liberal and Democratic area. In this way it is not different atlanta rental car than the anti-gay marriage and anti-immigrant ballot measures being used to mobilize social conservatives and backwards people to vote this November in many states.
Taxpayer atlanta rental car dollars are being wasted in AHF's bizarre crusade (as well as supposedly charitable contributions being spent on unnecessary electioneering). This only seems t serve serve to raise AHF esteem amount their peers in the anti-sex counterevolution, like the Pink Cross Foundation, and get free media for more vain self-promotion, without reducing the public health dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.
AHF would better serve those at risk of contracting STIs by distributing condoms and performing STI testing to largest number of persons, instead of obsessing about the rigorously self-testing adult entertainment community. Or AHF could focus on proving any worth of the ordinance adopted atlanta rental car by extraordinary and undemocratic methods to circumvent their electioneering stunt during the primary, where LA Councillors said,
AHF is wasting valuable atlanta rental car taxpayer dollars on a cynical ballot measure in big election year in the service of far right religious extremists like Shelly Lubben's Pink Cross and benefiting Romney, et al. Romney has committed to a war on pornography, to restricting our constitutional right to free speech and self expression.
Please atlanta rental car join in or at least faithfully represent this effort for what it is in your own blogging, news gathering and writing today. Vote No on #MeasureB and vote no to government waste. Vote No to preserve artistic, aesthetic freedom in protected free speech. Thank you.
UPDATE - for the comment trolls here is info you requested about the ordinance, legal perspective: Here is the important information about the "Condoms in Porn" Ordinance – it will ONLY apply to UNINCORPORATED atlanta rental car areas of Los Angeles County. Almost all of the populated areas of Los Angeles County fall outside those areas. Here is a quote from John Krattli, Los Angeles County Counsel from a Memo prepared atlanta rental car for the County Board of Supervisors on July 23, 2012;
Civil Rights , community , Congress , Culture , Economy , Education , Elections , Energy , Environment , Health Care , International , Labor , Law , media , Meta , National Security , Science , Transportation , or White House .
If you look at the expense created in LA City and the history of AHF's legal battles with CAL-OSHA, etc. this expensive for very little or no return on AHF's supposed purpose, to prevent the spread atlanta rental car of HIV and AIDS.
If the same money had been spent on condom distribution, atlanta rental car STI testing, sex education for a more vulnerable population, what would the return on lives saved be for AHF's donors? More lives saved? Mainstream porn in LA County is already tested, there are options for performers atlanta rental car who want to work with condom only studios, atlanta rental car etc.
They should work to make the current LA city ordinance a success atlanta rental car and show that result - unless they are just cynically engaging in electioneering with a misleading ballot initiative to perhaps turn out more conservative voters, as is the trend nationwide, atlanta rental car with the anti-gay marriage and anti-immigrant ballot measures, and the numerous atlanta rental car confusing statewide California measures.
The LA City Council should not have folded to keep the LA City measure off of the primary ballot - but that just encouraged more of the wasteful, useless gaming to restrict free speech and help no one.
Shall an ordinance be adopted requiring producers of adult films to obtain a County public health permit, to require adult film performers to use condoms while engaged in sex acts, to provide proof of blood borne pathogen training course, to post permit and notices to performers, and making violations of the ordinance subject atlanta rental car to civil fines and criminal charges?
atlanta rental car And I'll add my customary rant to those posting diaries atlanta rental car here urging support for or opposition to legislation and ballot measures. Give us a link to the actual text of what you're talking about. We are not morons. We can read it ourselves and decide how we feel about it. This concludes my customary rant.
It is a waste of AHF's money which might otherwise go to programs to distribute condoms atlanta rental car or help people who are not tested regular get tested and treatment - that's not the environment of the LA adult film industry.
"Los Angeles County estimates the initial start-up costs for the inspection and permitting program would come to more than $300,000 per year in administration, salary and benefits for county inspectors, but with Film LA, Inc., the film-permitting arm for Los Angeles County, estimating less than 480 permits issued for all adult film shoots, the program could start losing money from its launch.
"The people of Los Angeles County can think of a lot better uses for the time of first responders, county health inspectors and other government personnel than hanging around an adult film shoot checking for condom usage," Lee said. "Measure B is seriously flawed and is going to cost taxpayers money and cost them critical health services."
The context of the nationwide effort atlanta rental car by radical right-wingers - ballot initiatives and social welfare groups, non-profits, corporations and religious orgs spending money to motivate conservative voters on measures against gay marriage, against immigrants, this matters.
It is inspiring to see the efforts atlanta rental car by a community that mean spirited atlanta rental car media, conservative courts, judges and juries expect to lose, expect to be easy to kick and keep down, rise up and organize atlanta rental car themselves.
Whether you believe the government has the right to mandate your private life and sexual practices or not, one cannot argue that our freedom to choose has been lessened. Given that these interests stood idly by when the right for gay couples to marry was overturned atlanta rental car by conservative voters years back, these same people are betting atlanta rental car that they can manipulate the voters into thinking that this measure atlanta rental car serves to protect the public. They are betting that they can lie and get away with it.
You see, they don't respect the people in the industry. In fact, we are looked at the same way the people in this picture above were looked at. As less than human. As animals. As disposable and not worthy of our concern. We are bastardized, shamed and pointed to as they cry out, "Here's the real culprit, these are the dirty, disease ridden people that would rather make a buck than protect your sons and daughters." The claims they make are refuted by science, the CDC, renowned doctors, published studies, documented medical records and common sense. Because the politicians don't want the porn industry any longer in L.A. They've been happy to take our taxes, watch our product in the privacy of their home and fantasize along with the rest of the viewing public of hot sexual exploits. But now they want us gone. They've fought atlanta rental car for years by constantly making obscenity claims against the most successful companies in the industry only to lose. Now, they realized, that if they could make it an issue of workers protection and work condition, they might have a chance at finally defeating the industry. atlanta rental car They've bet that they could ride the wave in the resurgence of religious and political conservatism in this country atlanta rental car and force their personal agenda on everyone.
That's the play they made. They looked at everyone in this industry and it's fans and said, "They won't do shit. They're cows, they're unorganized, they're only out for their self interest. They're weak and uneducated. They're stupid. They don't have the money we do. They can't buy the media we can. They can't afford TV spots to fight us. They'll lay down. They won't fight. And we will win."
I am open to your arguments, but you have done a poor job of presenting them. You just come off as an advocate for a cause who will not engage in actual conversation, or explain to the uninformed what it is you are advocating.
You free speech rights allow you to say, paint, draw, film all sorts of things that may or may not be logical, beautiful, popular, or unpopular. To act in plays, to perform in films with or without atlanta rental car dangerous stunts that the wise would choose not to imitate at home.
I think maybe a coal mining parallel would be a conversation between actors on a worksite where in real life OSHA would have real life workers wear helmets, but actors in the scene do not, so that they have more dramatic atlanta rental car and stylish hair...
Do you think your free speech rights allow you to break union and OSHA rules while filming a movie? No. Your entire argument here is bad and you should atlanta rental car feel bad for making atlanta rental car such a crap argument and treating your readers like children.
The problem is that the basic rule sounds like a very good idea to many liberals: make adult film stars use protections. Note that this is not simply about protecting the workers, but about showing proper safe sexual practices. So you resort to underhanded and dishonest propaganda to sway your readers.
I have no real opinions on the matter.Obviously, showing condom use is a good thing. But porn is fantasy, not real life. Action movies show people doing impossibly dangerous things, should we ban that? If the government wants to encourage condom use, why not offer tax breaks to producers that make pro-condom porn?
And, if this is in the interests of protecting the wo
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