Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let s stay focused, upbeat and excited. We just might be able to take our country back. If we don t

Foster McCollum White Associates, Baydoun Consulting and Douglas Fulmer Associates, of Dearborn, Mich., questioned 1,503 likely Florida voters Friday and found Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, student japan airline tickets leading Obama 54%-40%. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.53%.
Although recent Florida polls have been trending slightly in Romney's direction (+2% and +1% in the most recent surveys), the jaw-dropping 14-point gap is a shocker. Future polls will determine if this result is ahead of the curve or merely an outlier.
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I love this so much. I thought about this for a while last weekend and I m thinking that the Dems really believed their own dogma about this issue and never thought it was possible that a Republican would bring it up and challenge them on it. Romney student japan airline tickets made the avant-garde choice and brought them a battle they never saw coming, and so they never planned for it. If I could dance, I would.
Not all of them. I m a pretty Conservative guy (all my life) and I wasn t happy with Romney as our nominee, but I was in the ABO camp. That has changed student japan airline tickets now, and now I support the Romney Ryan ticket. But for a while there, I would have voted for a rag on a stick if it helped save the country from NObama.
YAY!!!! I despise Nelson! Connie Mack ALWAYS responds to my e mails and even has written to me before when I used to snail mail his office about stuff. Mack s not perfect, but he s been a good congressman, and will make a great senator!
Wow. I hope this is accurate. If so, I think it shows a definite Ryan bump. I just listened to Ryan on Hannity, and this guy is GOOOOOOD. He doesn t talk like a politician. He talks in a calm and rational way about what the facts are, he tends to avoid cliched political phrases, and I think people are hungering for a leader who just talks to them like adults.
Yeah, you might want to consider whether that site you linked to is legitimate before you start to rely on it too heavily. It s a little (okay a lot) too good to be true, and is probably just some guys sitting around making up good stories that people who want Obama out are quite willing to believe.
Yeah, that s a possibility, but the stories he comes out with pan out to be true months later far too many times. I never said he was a MediaMatters reporter or an MSNBC host. Oops, they lie all the time, though, don t they.
I know if seniors will listen to what Obamacare will do to Medicare and is doing to Medicare they will come in droves to the poll in Nov and vote for RomneyRyan. The cost of medicare part B for seniors is set to double in 2014 to 240.00 a month. The current cost is 107.00 student japan airline tickets and in 2013 it will be 120.00 a month. Obamacare has to be repealed and some common sense changes for the program in the long run for younger student japan airline tickets people. Most people will not take a government program if there are private programs student japan airline tickets to chose from.
Here s the survey demographics from Foster McCollum White Baydoun (FMWB). It looks like a majority were conservative, white/caucasian, older citizens from areas not in the Urban areas. I m not surprised about the results, although the survey says this is the general makeup of the upcoming election.
That s what this survey says, yet most biased polls try to show a different picture to favor Obama. That s why polls, in general, can t be trusted. Quinnipiac, for example, tried to show Florida with a 9% Democrat edge.
As much as I wish it were true, this poll looks like wishcasting. There is no way Rasmussen s poll, even if it is wrong, could be THAT wrong in getting Mack wrong by 11 points. So, I would say to salt this one well before consuming.
I think Romney Ryan are running a very smart campaign and are in it to win it. The enthusiasm is greater than I ve seen in recent history. They speak clearly to the people and have a plan. O s got nothing!
Let s stay focused, upbeat and excited. We just might be able to take our country back. If we don t do it this year .. no, I don t want to think of what will happen. Let s stay positive and know we CAN do this!
Did you read that NObama is saying that he s deliberately keeping his crowds small. So he can be more personal and for security. And if he expects us to believe that. He s a bigger fool than I thought he was.
But, don t get me started on that phrase. I hate the phrase bridge to nowhere , as the bridge Palin backed that was declared as such was really a bridge that connected the mainland to an island that contained the only airport in the area (a much needed bridge). She eventually stopped funding for it because the costs got out of hand, not because the bridge was useless. So, in reality, it was not a bridge to nowhwre , but it sure sounded good to the news media.
Heh, yeah. I get pretty vocal when I hear all those media types out there use the bridge to nowhere meme without even knowing anything about it. But then, I guess I get riled any time I hear the media speak. What does that say? Hmmm
Didn t a recent Pew Poll for Swing States sample 2 Democrats to to every Republican and Romney still was within 10 points in each state? That tells me that some Democrats have a bad taste from the Kool-Aid they had in 2008.
One thing you ALL may want to note. The polling student japan airline tickets companies are having a hard time getting people to participate in polls. Normally companies have 2 or 3 in 20 refuse to participate in the poll. In 2008, 4 in 20 would not participate, in 2010 this climbed to 7 in 20. Right now it looks like 8 or 9 in 20 won t participate in polling. This means that the polling may only represent 70 85% of the electorate. If this holds true, and the standard election model predicts undecided voters split 2 to 1 for the challenger, this may mean that the election could be out by 10 15% in the polling predictions. This happened with Reagan, and the media declared that people decided student japan airline tickets at the very last minute to support Reagan. Exit polling questions showed that actually student japan airline tickets very few people were undecided just before student japan airline tickets the election. Most of these people had decided weeks if not months before to support Reagan. I believe that this is the case right now. Those that won t participate student japan airline tickets have already decided to vote Obama out, and are just not going to get involved in polling. Its usually the diehards and devoted supporters student japan airline tickets who usually participate in polls. As a recent example of this, look at Wisconsin and Walker. Every poll said it was a 1 or 2 point spread. The results though were 7 points. The end result was that the polls were out by or missed polling 10% of the electorate who had made up their minds already. I have been saying since last year, 10% win for any Republican, then 15% for Romney once he won the delegates, and it may be up to 20% if the economy keeps going down between now and November. Watch the Jobs Reports and 3rd quarter GDP report on the first Friday in November. The election is the Tuesday after these reports come out. If they are bad as expected, this election won t even be close and will be called before the polls close in California.
The biggest problem with the jobs report is that they always get adjusted downward quietly weeks after the report. Getting it days before the election, gives Obama s administration room to fudge big time and then retract after the elections are over.
Having said that, I agree with all you had to say. Excellent post and analysis. The polls are starting to turn, as they don t want to be caught on the wrong side of history when the real results come out.
All people have to do, rather than depending on polls, is ask themselves how they feel compared to 4 years ago. People s inner feelings are hard to argue with and I don t know anybody who is happy right now.
As to the jobs numbers, remember that over the weekend every expert out there is going to be pouring over those reports to check the numbers if they seem out of sync with the earlier ones. If they have been fudged, that will be on all the TV s in the nation about Obamas labour department lieing about the numbers the day before the election. This would end the Obama election that night, never mind on the Tuesday.
Not so. If the report is fudged, and most of them are every time, the original report gets the headlines. No matter who pours over them to see how they need to be re-adjusted, the correction takes weeks to be aired and the headlines never show it. It is easy to fudge the original numbers, and later, they say, oh, the number changed due to blah blah blah .
This last one was a perfect example. The headlines student japan airline tickets showed student japan airline tickets an increase of employed, but the unemployment rate actually went up (more people were actual unemployed at the end of the month than at the beginning, but it didn t stop Obama from taking credit, in the short run, for gaining jobs).
Not a surprise. This poll is reflective as what the obama internal polls have been showing for months. And this isn t the only toss-up state where the GOP, Romney in particular, has a double-digit lead
Nelson has been running student japan airline tickets SO MANY ads here it is non-stop!! Connie Mack really has not run any to counter or attack so I am not sure if he was waiting until after the primary or he may be holding his cash. But Nelson has been attacking for weeks now and that maybe why! I keep hoping to see Connie Mack counter! I know he has alot of money. There have been some Super Pac ads against Nelson though. In Florida, we are seeing every type ad you can imagine!
This great news for my state!! YAHOO!! This is the same polling group that did the Michigan survey that found Mitt up by almost 4 in Michigan. student japan airline tickets I like that they do a large survey group and it is likely voters. Interestingly according to Powerline, this polling group slants Democratic which makes this very interesting. Living here I know people are not happy with the Marxist and his

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