Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Latest Tweets @PilotConway I use Zenfolio. It and SmugMug are both great (paid) solutions October 27

I made it out over lunch today for some more practice.  I was planning to stay in the practice area after departing runway 17, but traffic in the pattern picked up a good bit.  Since the other traffic was a good bit faster than the ole Tri-Pacer, I decided to fly up to Paulding County for a touch and go or two.  After bouncing in a landing bargain tours and travels up there, I returned to West Georgia for a few more landings.
Back at KCTJ, I floated so much on the first landing that I decided to go around.  I really need to nail down the roundout and stop floating up and down.  I may be carrying just a bit too much airspeed at that point in the landing.After the go around, I made one more trip around the pattern and made a pretty decent normal landing to a full stop.  I was running long on my lunch break, so I decided to call it for the day.  I need to get back out there soon and work nothing but takeoffs and landings normal, short and soft.  Overall it was a gorgeous day to fly and it was great being back in the air.  For the first time that I can recall in my flight training, bargain tours and travels I didn t record video during my flight.  It was nice not having to setup all of the cameras, but I still wish I had the footage to review.  Next time.  I did however shoot a few more photos than I have during more recent flights:
Todd, I find that If I don t practice landings constantly, I always end up getting rusty. You seem to have your airwork down pat, and still working on landings. I thing I m the opposite. I really need to go out and practice mauvers. I think the Tri-Pacer is probably bargain tours and travels harder to land than a C-150. So I think you are doing great!
Latest Tweets @PilotConway I use Zenfolio. It and SmugMug are both great (paid) solutions October 27, 2012 - 12:01 PM @markisflying Wow, that is awesome! Nice craftsmanship and I love the verse. October 26, 2012 - 9:21 AM @mshell018 Not sure how new they are, but I noticed the Tri-Pacer shirt when I was on the site last week. Great looking shirts! October 25, 2012 - 3:38 PM Recent Posts

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