Monday, October 29, 2012

Overall, it was really nice to get away. And now I m home, have been for 2 days. I m not suffering f

I had such a great time on my trip. Paris was the most beautiful place I ve ever been to in my life. Amsterdam, well, it was fun, but that s where I did the heaviest partying and so I was ridiculously hungover for a good chunk of time I was there. Not a pleasant experience. Brussels cheap air travel tickets was pretty. And even though we were there on a Monday, there were a LOT of people there: it seemed like half of Scotland had arrived in kilts to watch the soccer game between Belgium and Scotland the next day. Berlin was amazing the people were friendly (unlike France), the food was great, and the weather was perfect! At one point I was actually sitting outside in a t-shirt!
The worst part of my trip (other than the hangover) was discovering that my flat iron wouldn t work. It forced me to spend most of the trip with curly hair and I have been hating my hair curly lately (I need a cut, too much weight cheap air travel tickets in the front). It wasn t a huge deal, I guess, because until we got to Berlin it rained at least once a day, so I would have been dealing with hair issues regardless. Still, I would ve liked to have had straight hair for the nights we went out. Most days I just kept it up in a ponytail.
But seriously, I m really not complaining at all. Like I said to Di, our trip didn t have highs and lows it was just high and not-quite-as-high. Even when our train to Brussels was cancelled and we were running around all these different train stations in Holland like chickens with our heads cut off, we didn t get upset about it, we just kept saying cheap air travel tickets Seriously?? to each other and laughing about it. And even when we were informed cheap air travel tickets that we had booked our hotel in Berlin for the wrong day and the hotel had no vacancies, we didn t freak out, we just laughed and spent an hour on the computer finding cheap air travel tickets a new room (which wasn t easy!).
Overall, it was really nice to get away. And now I m home, have been for 2 days. I m not suffering from post-vacation depression like I usually do although that might change on Monday when I finally go back to work. It s been harder than I thought it would be to get over my jet lag on Thursday night I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 8 the next day. Last night I went to bed at 8 and I woke up this morning at 4 AM!! I should be good by Monday though. Oh, and my flat iron still isn t working. Must have blown a fuse when I plugged it in in Europe. Womp womp.
I wish I had thought of that- flat irons don t work in other countries usually. Even if you use a converter, it ll still blow. No idea why, but when I bought my Chi, it warned against using converters with them cause it ll blow the fuse (this was after I ruined my other hair straightener in Italy).

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