Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Con­sider vis­it­ing winer­ies that offer a kid-friendly atmos­phere and some space, like a nice big

When you think of Cal­i­for­nia Wine Coun­try, images of the beau­ti­ful vine­yards, wine tast­ing rooms, and tours come to mind. Many par­ents think their days at Wine Coun­try are put on hold while their kids are small, but that's not nec­es­sar­ily so, espe­cially in the Sonoma area. With a lit­tle plan­ning, cre­ativ­ity, and flex­i­bil­ity, your whole fam­ily can enjoy a vaca­tion in wine country.
Con­sider vis­it­ing winer­ies that offer a kid-friendly atmos­phere and some space, like a nice big lawn for them to run on. Lit­tle extras like a fish pond, pic­nic area, or gar­den to explore will help make the day fun. There are sev­eral winer­ies that go a step fur­ther by pro­vid­ing some spe­cific things to enter­tain kids dur­ing their visit. The fol­low­ing discount rental couponscar rentals exam­ples will give you a taste of what's out there.
This win­ery has an almost resort-like feel, with beau­ti­ful grounds, and lovely swim­ming pool (tick­ets required in advance) where you can reserve a Cab­ine which includes pool passes, lounge chairs, tow­els, and wine tast­ings. There's live music on sum­mer week­ends, some kid's activ­i­ties, bocce ball courts, and more.
You'll appre­ci­ate a toy chest in the win­ery, and there are wine caves that keep lit­tle peo­ple happy while adults have fun too. They also hold enter­tain­ing events such as the Har­vest Party in Sep­tem­ber, includ­ing grape pick­ing, bless­ing of the grapes, discount rental couponscar rentals brunch, a grape stomp com­pe­ti­tion, music, bocce ball tour­na­ment and more.
This beau­ti­ful vine­yard is located at the base of Sug­ar­loaf Moun­tain, where you'll find a bocce ball court, pic­nic area, col­or­ing books and crayons in the tast­ing discount rental couponscar rentals room, and horse drawn wagon rides in the summer.
The Lar­son Fam­ily Win­ery is an old rodeo ranch turned win­ery, which spells fun for fam­i­lies. This cowboy-style atmos­phere is very relaxed and comes with farm ani­mals, a bocce ball court, and grass area for pic­nic blankets.
To make the trip extra mem­o­rable, think about mix­ing some kid ori­ented activ­i­ties into the trip so every­one gets what they want. There's a wide array of fam­ily activ­i­ties in the Sonoma area, includ­ing fish­ing, kayak­ing, and horse­back rid­ing along the Russ­ian River. Here are just a few of these kid-approved experiences.
If your fam­ily wants a break from the winer­ies, they can get "wild"  by tak­ing an open-air safari vehi­cle along this 400-acre wildlife discount rental couponscar rentals pre­serve. You'll catch sights of giraffes, lemurs, chee­tahs, and wildebeests.
Arm­strong Red­woods State Reserve is a great stop for your fam­ily to see some amaz­ing Sequoia discount rental couponscar rentals trees. Some of their most pop­u­lar trees include the Ici­cle Tree, with its mys­te­ri­ous "burl" for­ma­tions, the Colonel Arm­strong Tree, esti­mated to be over 1,400 years old, and the Par­son Jones Tree, reach­ing heights of over 310 feet tall (that's longer discount rental couponscar rentals than a foot­ball field).
If you hap­pen discount rental couponscar rentals to have some Peanuts discount rental couponscar rentals fans in the fam­ily, take a stop to the Charles M. Schulz Museum and research Cen­ter. This fun, laid­back museum has some inter­est­ing exhibits discount rental couponscar rentals about the famed car­toon­ist and his beloved Peanuts char­ac­ters. Directly cross the street is Snoopy's Home Ice sta­dium for ice skat­ing with the family.
Take the Jelly Belly fac­tory tour! This 40 minute walk­ing tour shows you how the com­pany cooks up over 150 dif­fer­ent sweets. Dis­cover why it takes over a whole week to make a sin­gle jelly bean. Of course, there are tempt­ing sweets stores on site so you can take home your favorite treats.
If you need some excite­ment, discount rental couponscar rentals check out the Sim­race­way Per­for­mance discount rental couponscar rentals Dri­ving Cen­ter for a cool kart rac­ing expe­ri­ence (ages 8 and older),  let your teens try rac­ing lessons or even take the defen­sive dri­ving course.
This old fash­ioned, scaled down rail­road will delight young train fans. The 20 minute train ride goes over bridges, through tun­nels, and stops in its minia­ture town, "Lake­view" which includes a pet­ting zoo. Kids will also get to enjoy six other rides includ­ing a carousel and Fer­ris wheel.
Let your imag­i­na­tion take flight at the Pacific Coast Air Museum. In addi­tion to the "Wings Over Wine Coun­try Air Show", there's also the Kid's World area con­tain­ing discount rental couponscar rentals inflat­able jump­ies, and rides.
Filed Under: California , Family discount rental couponscar rentals Travel Tagged With: Alexander Valley Vineyards , Armstrong Redwoods , Benzinger Family Winery , CA , california , Fairfield , Francis Ford Coppola Winery , Kaz Vineyard Winery , Kenwood , Landmark Vineyards , Larson Family Winery , Safari West , Santa Rosa , Simraceway , Sonoma , Wine , Wine Country

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