Saturday, October 27, 2012

Early missions: The origin of satellite communication can be traced to an article written by Arthur

A satellite is any object that orbits another object (which is known as its primary). All masses that are part of the solar system, including the Earth, are satellites either of the Sun, or satellites of those objects, such as the Moon. It is not always a simple matter to decide which is the ?satellite? in a pair of bodies. Because all objects exert gravity, the motion of the primary object is also affected by the satellite. If two objects are ufficiently similar in mass, they are generally referred to as a binary system travel system rather than a primary object and satellite. The general criterion for an object to be a satellite is that the center of mass of the two objects is inside the primary object. In popular usage, the term ?satellite? normally refers to an artificial satellite (a man-made object that orbits the Earth or another body).
In May, 1946, the Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship stated, ?A satellite vehicle with appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be one of the most potent scientific tools of the Twentieth Century. The achievement of a satellite craft would produce repercussions comparable to the explosion of the atomic bomb??
The space age began in 1946, as scientists began using captured German V-2 rockets to make measurements in the upper atmosphere. Before this period, scientists used balloons that went up to 30 km and radio waves to study the ionosphere. travel system From 1946 to 1952, upper-atmosphere research was conducted using V-2s and Aerobee rockets. This allowed travel system measurements of atmospheric pressure, density, and temperature up to 200 km. The U.S. had been considering launching orbital satellites travel system since 1945 under the Bureau travel system of Aeronautics of the United States Navy. The Air Force?s Project RAND eventually released the above report, but did not believe that the satellite was a potential military weapon; rather they considered it to be a tool for science, politics, and propaganda. Following pressure by the American Rocket Society, the National Science Foundation, and the International Geophysical Year, military interest picked up and in early 1955 the Air Force and Navy were working on Project Orbiter, which involved using a Jupiter C rocket to launch a small satellite called Explorer 1 on January 31, 1958.
On July 29, 1955, the White House announced that the U.S. intended to launch satellites by the spring of 1958. This became known as Project Vanguard. On July 31, the Soviets announced that they intended to launch a satellite by the fall of 1957 and on October 4, 1957 Sputnik I was launched into orbit, which triggered the Space Race between the two nations.
? Communications satellites: These are artificial satellites stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications using radio at microwave travel system frequencies. Most communications satellites use geosynchronous orbits or near-geostationary orbits, although some recent systems use low Earth-orbiting satellites.
? Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit, similar to reconnaissance satellites but intended for non-military uses such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, map making etc. (See especially Earth Observing System.)
? Navigation satellites are satellites which use radio time signals transmitted to enable mobile receivers on the ground to determine their exact location. The relatively clear line of sight between the satellites and receivers on the ground, combined with ever-improving electronics, allows satellite navigation systems to measure location to accuracies on the order of a few metres in real time.
? Reconnaissance satellites are Earth observation satellite or communications satellite deployed for military or intelligence applications. Little is known about the full power of these satellites, as governments who operate them usually keep information pertaining to their reconnaissance satellites travel system classified.
? Solar power satellites are proposed satellites built in high Earth orbit that use microwave power transmission to beam solar power to very large antenna on Earth where it can be used in place of conventional power sources.
? Space stations are man-made structures that are designed for human beings to live on in outer space. A space station is distinguished from other manned spacecraft by its lack of major propulsion or landing facilities ? instead, other vehicles are used as transport to and from the station. Space stations are designed for medium-term living in orbit, for periods of weeks, months, or even years.
? Miniaturized satellites are satellites of unusually low weights and small sizes. New classifications are used to categorize these satellites: minisatellite travel system (500-200 kg), microsatellite (below 200 kg), nanosatellite (below 10 kg).
? Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO: 35786 km above Earth?s surface) and Geostationary Orbit ( zero inclination geosynchronous orbit). These orbits travel system are of particular interest for communication satellites and will be discussed in detail later.
? Molniya orbits: Is a class of a highly elliptic orbit. travel system A satellite placed in this orbit spends most of its time over a designated area of the earth, a phenomenon known as apogee dwell. Molniya orbits are named after a series of Soviet/Russian Molniya communications satellites that have been using this class of orbits since the mid 1960s.
? Heliosynchronous travel system or sun-synchronous orbit: A heliosynchronous orbit, or more commonly a sun-synchronous orbit is an orbit in which an object always passes over any given point of the Earth?s surface at the same local solar time. This is a useful travel system characteristic for satellites that image the earth?s surface in visible or infrared wavelengths (e.g. weather, spy and remote sensing satellites).
? Hohmann transfer orbit: For this particular orbit type, it is more common to identify the satellite as a spacecraft. travel system In astronautics and aerospace engineering, the Hohmann transfer orbit is an orbital maneuver that moves a spacecraft from one orbit to another.
A communications satellite (sometimes abbreviated to comsat) is an artificial travel system satellite stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites use geosynchronous orbits, Molniya orbits or low Earth orbits.
For fixed services, communications satellites provide travel system a technology complementary to that of fiber optic submarine communication cables. For mobile applications, such as communications to ships and planes travel system satellite based communicationis only the viable means of communications as application of other technologies, such as cable, are impractical or impossible.
Early missions: The origin of satellite communication can be traced to an article written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1945. He suggested that a radio relay satellite in an equatorial orbit with a period of 24 hours would remain stationary with respect to earth?s surface and can be used for long-range radio communication, as it will over come the limitations imposed by earth curvature. Sputnik 1, The world?s first artificial (non communication) satellite, was launched on October 4, 1957. The first satellite to relay communications was Project SCORE in 1958, which used a tape recorder to store and forward voice messages. It was used to send a Christmas greeting to the world from President Eisenhower. travel system NASA launched an Echo satellite in 1960. This 100-foot aluminized Mylar balloon served as a passive reflector for radio communications. Courier 1B, (built by Philco) also was launched in 1960, was the world?s first active repeater satellite. Given below are the details of milestones in satellite communcation history: -
? Telstar ? the first active direct relay satellite travel system designed to transmit television and high-speed data communications. Telstar was placed in an elliptical orbit (completed once every 2 hours and 37 minutes), rotating at a 45? angle above the equator. July 1962

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