Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama gear... and then I would talk about the issues when the press came to find out what in the hel

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I would love to have heard his explanation for that. I certainly have a few ideas for why he is supporting Romney (the Southern Strategy, circa 2012, which would include a few points - race, religion, sexual louisville kentucky hotels orientation, abortion, and of course guns) but maybe I'm completely wrong.
but when the Romney folks and GOP (with their Montana outhouses full of gun shot holes or circling an Obama speech with the Romney campaign bus honking its horn)....OR us with this kind of stuff get down to this level it:
historys mysteries , War on Error , pat of butter in a sea of grits , grelinda , ontheleftcoast , doroma , Kinak , dzog , GrannyOPhilly , seefleur , luckylizard , mint julep , happymisanthropy , PinHole , ahumbleopinion , JayRaye , Eddie L , majcmb1 , NoMoreLies , skip945 , Kalex , ColoTim , elwior , peptabysmal , CS in AZ , FindingMyVoice broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 , Dvalkure , a2nite
Just the clip of her talking to the redneck with the anti-Obama shirt is worth the exposure. He had to admit that he oposses Romney's values broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 and policies. That is what gets people thinking. That is what a dialog is about. Big ads go over the heads of those who are already broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 in a Romney louisville kentucky hotels frame of mind. Actually getting broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 them to verbalize the fact that Firemen, teachers, louisville kentucky hotels police are vital to us, and that hiding money off shore to avoid paying a fair share of taxes is wrong, they might start to realize what they are voting for.
Wasn't that Romney sanctioned people doing those things during Obama campaign broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 stops? These are not Obama's people. It isn't "we". It's "they". And I'm sure, unlike Romney, Obama will ask these people to cut the crap.
Then you start putting in small bits of facts, stats, etc. Kind of tease them out. Best to get them to start asking questions whenever possible. Meanwhile, throwing out some obvious questions is very effective. If there is basically louisville kentucky hotels one obvious answer, their brain will come up with it. So they can't deny the fact. Then you can bring up the other idea that a lot of people believe in, something that contradicts the first. Holding two discreet ideas that contradict each other as truths is something conservative voters tend to be very good at. Getting them to understand the contradiction and assumptions or conclusions louisville kentucky hotels broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 made in spite of it is a challenge.
Obama gear... and then I would talk about the issues when the press came to find out what in the hell I was up to. Ironically, lots of Tea Partiers thanked me for coming. A few would even protect us from the asses that thought we should broadway show tickets 7 seats 10 family monday january 3 shut our mouths.
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I do want to fix my mispronunciation of the dog's name, but I won't be able to do that until I get back home on Sunday. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much work to make a new one with the corrected song.
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