Friday, October 26, 2012

What we mean by this is that many of you are experiencing the Light and colors in your third eye whe

There's a mysterious new triangular "star cluster" in the sky!  Have you seen it?  If so, what do you feel it is?   I've seen this new triangular cluster of stars over the last couple weeks and am overjoyed to share with you what I feel it is and represents!
I enjoy looking at the sky and watching roosevelt hotel the stars.  Upon moving to Sedona, AZ last year, I was amazed at the closeness and brightness of the stars.  For example, the little dipper now sits very close to the horizon from my viewpoint in Sedona (approximately 4,400 feet above sea level) – as opposed to being way up in the middle of the sky from my viewpoint from my old home in Scottsdale.  Plus, when viewing the stars from Sedona, they actually sparkle and twinkle brightly, which is a view of the sky I haven't seen since I was a child.  It s as if you can reach out and touch the stars!  I love it!
So I ve spent most of this summer star gazing, with my head cranked high, staring up at the sky.  While engaging in this worthwhile activity, along with noticing the incredible beauty of our stars, I've also noticed that several seeming stars move from left to right, or up and down or in circles. Still being of a very logical / scientific bent and not wanting to jump to conclusions, I decided to research whether the moving stars were satellites.  See the note below for more info on the research I completed roosevelt hotel that showed these moving stars were NOT satellites!  [1]
Next, I wondered if these were ships and (after going within and connecting with my heart), I began communicating with several roosevelt hotel of the moving stars , asking questions such as If you are a Galactic Federation of Light ship, please move to the left no, not your left, my left , etc.  Amazingly, the ships (and Star Family on them) responded.
(Note:  The questions I asked and process I went through to confirm roosevelt hotel these were starships and Star Beings I was communicating with may be different from what you would engage in.  As those who have witnessed and communicated with star beings and star ships know all too well, the recognition of intelligent response to our questions is something that is incredibly hard to explain to another and is instead unmistakably "felt" and "known" by the viewer/contactee.  What I can say is that it was amazing to experience that connection roosevelt hotel and the joy inspired within me from re-establishing my connections with Star Family on a conscious level.)
It has been shared by the Galactic Federation of Light that, for those who take the time to look, Star Family is indeed now openly present within our skies in large numbers roosevelt hotel so much so that soon humanity will look back and question how we could have missed such an open and obvious display of their presence to anyone roosevelt hotel willing to look.
Especially during your night time, we have been posing as stars for those who only take a first glance at us and assume that we are so; but for those who have trained themselves roosevelt hotel to look, to be discerning and understanding, we have made specific personal movements around your skies to let such souls know that we are here with you and while we cannot yet land and be with you on your surface for a myriad of different reasons [though time is running out and deadlines have now been reached], we are maintaining close energetic links and bonds with all of humanity.
We have been striving for so very long to help you see out the ascension of your world and of yourselves and we are again, making ourselves known in your night time to those who will be open to the signs. We say that we particularly enjoy posing as clusters of stars while moving around and changing form, to let one know that we are a cluster of Light ships posing as stars while we perform much clearing work in your skies and atmosphere that is needed…
… We are not yet able or authorized to make ourselves known in too bold of ways in your daytime, and have just recently been authorized and given the permission to make more brazen and bold night time sightings. Those who are experiencing a rapid and accelerated, fruitful opening of your heart chakras and your pineal glands will begin to feel the impressions of the work we are doing, via seeming interactions between the ships one might be viewing, that will seem to be presented in one's own third eye.
What we mean by this is that many of you are experiencing the Light and colors in your third eye whenever closing your eyes, entering meditation and attuning to the frequencies that give you such boosts of perception, and when many are looking upon our ships at night and noticing roosevelt hotel the interaction between them, we notice some tending to assume that it is simply a vision they are being given in their third eyes at this time, which is overlapping their physical roosevelt hotel eyes' perceptions of our ships and appearing as if the ships are interacting with each other in some untraceable energetic way.
We say that you are viewing real, energetic interaction between our ships that many unawakened souls would not be able to consciously see or notice, and your mere perception of this happening is a result of the opening roosevelt hotel and expanding that you who are noticing such things have reached roosevelt hotel in yourselves. You are beginning to find an inherent Multidimensional perception that has been there with you all along and with doing so, you are able to see energetic interactions roosevelt hotel and impressions, even between roosevelt hotel us while in our ships in your skies, roosevelt hotel that others would not be able to readily and consciously perceive of…
I feel the interaction referenced in the above message refers roosevelt hotel to something I ve seen quite often while watching the ships in the skies. roosevelt hotel When I breath, roosevelt hotel connect into my heart and allow my intuitive vision to open, I ve seen energy beams or trails of light that consistently go back and forth between the ships or, alternatively, jet across the sky towards some unknown target/space.  From the distance I m viewing these beams from, they appear as a translucent beam of white light that shoots from one ship to another and across the sky.
When I ve questioned Star Family in the Skies about what that light beams between the ships are all about, I ve received the following messages roosevelt hotel back (which I know is just a partial understanding of what these interactive beams are all about):
The beams are a physical manifestation of the love and light energies the beings on the ships and the ships themselves are sending each other (Imagine if you visited another planet where the planet's inhabitants wouldn't officially recognize your existence, wouldn't you appreciate loving support from your team?)
So I feel the light beams I've been seeing going between the ships and/or across the sky are one part of what is being referred to as interaction in the above message from SanJAsKa.  Perhaps you've seen something like this too?
So that's a portion of my star gazing history relevant to this new triangular shape cluster of stars that's suddenly appeared in the nighttime sky.  I've been enjoying my star watching and communicating with Star Family in the sky and I and encourage all who feel the call to explore this beneficial activity for themselves.
Are you willing to look?  For those not yet convinced of the existence of Star Family:  Is it possible, that there's more to our world and our existence than you've previously consciously known and if so are you open to and willing to explore that?  For all, are you willing to make contact with your family roosevelt hotel in the skies showing up here and now to let you know of both their love for you and of their willingness to beneficially assist humanity at this time?
One day within the last 2 – 3 weeks, I all of sudden noticed a brand new set of stars in the sky.  They were of an almost perfect triangular arrangement, with no other surrounding stars, appearing in the northwest sky from where I live.  The fact that the star formation showed up before it's gotten dark enough for almost any other stars in the sky to be seen was one of the first things that caught my attention roosevelt hotel about this new set of stars in the sky.  [4]
The first night I saw this new star formation, I thought perhaps it was just another set of stars I hadn't roosevelt hotel yet noticed or seen.  So, I decided to check back the next night to see if it was there again at the same time and in the same place.  (The daily routine of life happened and I was able to check that very next night, but sure enough I've seen the same triangular formation several other nights over the past few weeks.)
My curiosity was up and I did what I normally do when I go within and can't seem to discern an answer to a question – I asked to receive confirmation from Spirit as to what this new set of stars were and asked to receive the confirmation within a week and I sure enough got it!
As it turns out, this time, my confirmation (about the new triangular cluster of stars) came indirectly through roosevelt hotel a post by Stephen Cook on and directly through a channeled message from Amuna Ra.  Check it the excerpt from Stephen's Cook's 8/12/12 post on listed below [5] and you'll probably see what I mean.
I have since had this confirmed by others, including leading Lightworkers and Galactic emissaries who live on the west side of the United States and elsewhere, and from where this 'star constellation' appears in the south-western roosevelt hotel sky.
Nancy Tate, who is my guest this coming week on The Light Agenda, even included mention of  this news in her August 10 message from Hatonn: "Take the new awareness of the triangle of stars in the south-western sky that is being seen all over the world. That is a fifth dimensional ship from Andromeda. Many of you are seeing roosevelt hotel it because it is there to help guide you to the reaches of the outer world that you are seeing reflected from within."
roosevelt hotel I also 'knew' instantly it was a giant ship and I have since been 'told' it has just arrived and that it is not alone. I have also been 'told' it is over 150 miles wide… and is watching over everything, ready to make its true presence know

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