Monday, October 1, 2012

Who knows All i know is that the airline will be paying dearly for this incident. They ll be receivi

Several passengers on a United Airlines  flight discounts on expediacom travel purchases from Chicago to Orange County, California were forced to restrain another passenger with their belts after the man started badgering discounts on expediacom travel purchases and harassing others on the plane.
United Flight 473, flying from Chicago O Hare Airport (ORD) to Orange County s John Wayne Airport (SNA) on Tuesday evening, was 45 minutes discounts on expediacom travel purchases in to the flight when 26 year-old Arash Durrani discounts on expediacom travel purchases started to pace around the cabin and touch women inappropriately.
Lol its my thought that air marshalls are more on international flights then domestic ones. I tell you if I was the captain I would have put the plane down as soon as I could. rather get yelled discounts on expediacom travel purchases at for safety then yelled at for a high jacking.
William i think you re right. In most cases air marshals are put on larger aircraft which are usually sent overseas. There have been cases where there were more than one (up to 3) on an individual flight!
Lol thats true. My first question that comes to mine other then diverting if this was just after take off how did they not know he was drunk and why did they allow him to board anyways. Someone needs to look into this POSSIBLE security threat discounts on expediacom travel purchases here rather then see who has a cell phone turned on or whos sleeping discounts on expediacom travel purchases and being quiet.
Agreed. But often passengers don t exhibit bad behavior until after they ve already boarded the flight. That s why Airlines are being forced to analyze the behavior of passengers very closely before boarding. These in-flight incidences are very serious!
Lol Well seems to me that someone or some people werent doing there jobs. I mean its not hard to tell if a person has beer on there breath or is not acting right. They may have blood shot eyes beer breath as i call it. I mean he had to go from the ticket discounts on expediacom travel purchases agent to the aircraft with how many people there loading the aircraft like 4 or 5 and no one noticed this lol. Granted they probably wanted to get an on time departure but in my eyes and probably yours I would say let me get a 30 mintue delay to look for these problems rather then just take off and then have to land and make it a 3 hour delay.
Who knows All i know is that the airline will be paying dearly for this incident. They ll be receiving lawsuits from other passengers claiming the gate agents negligence in denying the man boarding created a safety risk for them. This is exactly why Airlines are forced to scrutinize passenger behavior prior to boarding- it s the cost of doing business.
I posted here a few weeks ago about the flight crew having access to tasers to deal with this sort of problem, and didn t see many people agreeing with me. Anyone change their opinion after this little stunt?
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