Thursday, October 25, 2012

4. Be sure to check out yesterday's site: We had a couple of scoops— 1) We caught McKenna's campaign

1. In case you missed it, and you probably did: Democratic U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell (who's up for reelection this year) and GOP state attorney general candidate Reagan Dunn have both taken out full-page ads in the Seattle Times this morning.
The ads are not—like the ads the paper is running for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna or for R-74, the gay marriage initiative—independent expenditures from the Seattle Times Co. nor in-kind contributions, Times spokeswoman Jill Mackie tells Fizz.
This raises an obvious question about the veracity of the Times ' claim to have run the ads for McKenna and R-74 as an "experiment" to prove that newspaper political advertising works. If they accepted an $100,000 buy from Cantwell back in September st johns canada car rental (we have confirmed that's what the five day run is worth), why did they need to prove a point with a $75,500 McKenna ad?
Mackie st johns canada car rental says, for starters, "the start date of the ads were pushed back four times. So, it was unclear when or whether they would begin for certain." She also said the McKenna ad was happening on a different track than the Cantwell ad.
"The Cantwell ad is a part of a statewide newspaper advertising project managed by ... Allied Daily Newspapers (the association that represents all dailies in the state). The pilot effort launched by The Times and the statewide effort were being developed on parallel st johns canada car rental paths managed by completely different people. The Seattle Times team responsible for launching the political advertising one-time print initiative did not know whether the statewide program would produce political advertising in print or not.
While sales conversations were ongoing, when we launched st johns canada car rental this pilot campaign, it was unclear whether candidates would engage in the purchase of a schedule of print ads. We have made strong efforts over a number of past political seasons st johns canada car rental with little to no results on the print side. At the time we launched this pilot effort, it appeared the results were likely st johns canada car rental to be similarly unproductive.
As for the timing of the Dunn ad, the Washington State Republican Party, which funded the ad, has not reported its expenditure with the Public Disclosure Commission yet. The ad buy was an in-kind contributuion from the WSRP. It should show up on Dunn's next reports, which are due on Tuesday. It will be interesting to see if the date on the buy came before or after the Times' McKenna independent expenditure, which was reported on October 17.
The two groups are squaring off in the state senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe (D-1, Bothell) and her Republican challenger Dawn McCravey; the WEA is backing McAuliffe and SFC is backing McCravey. Both groups have spent about $200,000 in independent st johns canada car rental expenditures in the race.
"She's the former president," SFC spokeswoman Anne Martens explains. Given that the mailer is an independent expenditure, SFC did not talk with McCravey and Martens says SFC got her resume info from McCarvey's campaign website. The website says McCravey was the Northshore School st johns canada car rental District board president from "December 2009 to 2012."
3. And a follow up to Tuesday's Fizz—"Desperation or Confidence"—when we reported that the Washington State Republican Party made a last-minute $25,000 contribution to incumbent GOP state Sen. Steve Litzow (R-41, Mercer Island), who's facing a tougher than expected race from Democratic challenger Maureen Judge: The Republicans gave Litzow another $2,500 yesterday.
4. Be sure to check out yesterday's site: We had a couple of scoops— 1) We caught McKenna's campaign pushing homophobic rhetoric on its website and 2) the Seattle Times appears to have written up a script to deal with the flood of "cancel-my-subscription" calls .
Seriously--How exactly does one structure an experiment to prove that newspaper advertising st johns canada car rental works? What hypothesis? What outcome will prove or disprove the hypothesis? What significance level are they looking for? Against what baseline will they measure behavioral change? How will they attribute causation (not mere correlation)?
Maybe the Times is desperate to fill up the pages that used to be devoted to news articles, the ones that aren't there any more because st johns canada car rental so many reporters have been let go. What's the likelihood st johns canada car rental that the advertising department hasn't been cut nearly as deeply as those that provide the Times's ostensible product ... news?
Side note to Josh: Since I never got a reply to my 10/11 email to this website's st johns canada car rental Contact Us address ( I'll ask it here -- how does one login to make PubliCola st johns canada car rental comments if one uses neither Facebook nor Twitter?
Join Seattle st johns canada car rental Met's panel of VIP tastemakers and be invited to share your opinions, vote for favorite businesses, make nominations for upcoming editorial features, and participate in Seattle Met reader surveys. Your voice matters!

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