Monday, October 1, 2012

Since last summer, American, Delta Air Lines , Frontier Airlines and United Airlines have increased

It's not just enough to buy your airplane ticket anymore: Increasingly, along with checking baggage, cruise line medical jobs airlines want you to pay extra to ensure a seat next to your travel companions, including your spouse or child.
That's cruise line medical jobs sure to lead to unhappiness during the coming cruise line medical jobs busy summer travel season, with passengers already toting their own suitcases and carrying their own food to avoid paying additional fees. In many cases, it may cost as much as $25 — each way — to ensure you and your companion sit together. And last month, United Airlines ended its policy of allowing families traveling with small children to board early, USA Today reports .
It's tough news for many summer travelers. Airlines have  successfully raised airfares  three times this year. Business travelers are already facing fares that will likely rise this year an average of four percent in North America, according to the Egencia's 2012 Global Corporate Travel Forecast . Egencia is an Expedia, Inc. company.
Regarding the seat reservation fees, it works like this: Airlines are reserving a growing number of window and aisle seats for passengers cruise line medical jobs willing to pay extra for them,  the Associated Press reports . While airlines say it's a move to boost revenue, the policy is making it harder for friends and family members who don't pay this fee to sit next to each other. At the peak of the summer cruise line medical jobs travel season, it might be nearly impossible, the AP reports.
Since last summer, American, Delta Air Lines , Frontier Airlines and United Airlines have increased the percentage of coach seats requiring some kind of extra fee. Allegiant cruise line medical jobs Air and Spirit Airlines charge extra for any advanced seat assignment, according to the AP.
"I think it's going to fall flat on its face," cruise line medical jobs predicted travel psychologist Michael Brein, PhD, of Bainbridge Island, Wash. "It's pushing the envelope a little far for travelers. People have had it up to here with fees, and this one sounds not so well thought out to me."
George cruise line medical jobs Hobica, founder and president of the Internet travel site Airfarewatchdog, said he thinks the fees are reasonable. cruise line medical jobs "When you think about it, when you go to a theater, a Broadway play, you always pay extra for better seats. They're doing the same thing."
Airlines are having a tough time, Hobica points out:  "Two of our remaining airlines lost money last quarter, cruise line medical jobs and the industry as a whole had a 1.5 percent cruise line medical jobs profit margin. I'm all about low airfares — it's been my stock in trade for almost cruise line medical jobs 20 years. But the traveling public has had it good at expense of the airlines… People need to be honest and should buck up and say if they want these low fares, cruise line medical jobs then the people who want special service should pay (extra) for it."
"We do not charge for priority seating, cruise line medical jobs or seating together at Alaska Airlines," said spokeswoman Marianne cruise line medical jobs Lindsey. "We do hold some seats out for last-minute booking by our elite member frequent fliers and passengers with disabilities, but in general you should be able to find seats together for your family."
"In some instances, however, with full flights, families may not be seated together," she said. "In this instance, we do all that we can to accommodate families requesting seating together, including asking if there are other travelers that would be willing to change their seats for the family. If all four cannot be seated together we try to at least get one parent with each child. Oftentimes, once families are onboard, other travelers offer to move to accommodate the family, and our flight attendants help facilitate this."

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