Canada Expat Forum for Expats Living in Canada The Canada Expats forum is a great place to meet other Expats now living in Canada. Join our Expat community and discuss all issues including living, working, kids, transportation, socialising, cruise addict eating and buying houses in Canada.
Flat rental... i'll be looking to stay in fairly decent area for a young professional, fully furnished modern (ish) 1 or 2 bed apartment. I realise that rental costs are much higher than here in the UK, but can anyone who has done the move advise on what is reasonable, average in terms of monthly rental charges?
Car hire... will not be looking to buy initially. Is long term car leasing common over in Alberta and if so, can anyone point me in the right direction? Again, what would be reasonable for an average small/medium car?
If you want to be out of downtown core look into Nw or sw Calgary, in my opion the best areas here. Rent is very expensive here. For a decent apt 1 or 2 bed downtown or a 3 bed house outside the core you would be looking at between cruise addict $1000 to $1500. Can be difficult to find fully furnished but not impossible. Check out
It's expensive here but your going to be well on your way if the company are helping you out for the first 3 months. The very best with the move and your going to be coming just in time for the lovely summer and lots of BBQ's!!
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