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This week I received an emergency email from the President of Shell Toastmasters. "We're having a pizza lunch meeting and are expecting over 20 guests. This might be a bit overwhelming considering we'll likely have only about 6 or 7 members showing up to the meeting. Could you come to help?"
qantas around the world tickets Shell Toastmasters advertised their club at a recent employee Cultural Event. As a result of the enthusiasm generated from their advertising effort, they decided to hold a Demonstration Meeting. They invited their fellow qantas around the world tickets employees to attend and enjoy some pizza while they learned about Toastmasters.
The response was outstanding. All of the 30 New Member Orientation kits specially prepared for the event were distributed to new guests in attendance. Contact information was gathered in their Guest Book, so the VP Membership could follow up on their new leads.All of the executive were in attendance and greeted each guest warmly.
The program was well planned to introduce each guest to a typical Toastmaster meeting. qantas around the world tickets It should be noted that membership in Shell Toastmasters is open to the public as well. They meet on Tuesdays at noon in the Shell Conference Centre, qantas around the world tickets 11th Floor, 303 – 5th Avenue SW, Calgary.
As the Division J Governor elect for 2011/2012, I consider it a privilege and an honor to be included in a Membership Building qantas around the world tickets Meeting for a club who wants to attract new Toastmasters. I was the past Area Governor for Area C3, the Area that Shell Toastmasters belongs to.
During the past 2 years the current Area Governor, Castilia Carabelea and I have worked hard to build camaraderie between the clubs in the Area. As a result of our efforts we built friendships in this club and they felt comfortable enough to ask for our help.
Throughout the year members from the Area C3 clubs have stepped outside their clubs and comfort zones to deliver speeches in other Area clubs as part of a Speaker's Exchange. Area C3 clubs include Bottom Line, Fifth Avenue Place, Shell, Stampede City, and Sundial .
The Speaker's Exchange developed as a result of some clubs having lower membership which resulted in few speeches being given on a weekly basis. Other clubs had ample membership but not enough speaking times available to accommodate all of the speakers who wanted to give speeches. The last week of each month was designated as a time when one speaker from each club would travel to another club to deliver qantas around the world tickets a speech.
Other joint club events included getting together for Summer Meetings, Social Nights and Speech Marathons, and friendly Debates between two clubs. The Shell and Sundial clubs will be holding one of these Debates on Tuesday, June 14 at noon at the Shell Conference Centre, 11th Floor, 303 – 5th Avenue SW, Calgary. Everyone is welcome to attend.
As a District Officer I have come to appreciate the benefits of helping qantas around the world tickets people step outside their club. It has made a big difference in my Toastmaster experience. It opened the door to becoming an Area Governor qantas around the world tickets and now a Division Governor.
Follow @D42TM Disclaimer The information in this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters members for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters materials or information
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