Yesterday hubby and friend headed out the door to cycle early in the morning. We have had thunderstorms every day since last Friday and Monday was no exception. I was checking when I heard a rumble in the distance and saw that a thunderstorm was about to hit the area they were cycling in. They were out in the middle of nowhere and were basically lightning rods on wheels. I grabbed the keys, jumped in the car and headed to where they were. I spotted them just as the storm was moving in the area and I rolled the window down and asked if they wanted a ride. No thanks, travel to lhasa tibet we'll just keep riding. So I drove past them 3 miles or so and saw a bolt of lightning not far from them. I turned around, headed back to them, stopped the car and jumped out. I explained there was a strong storm but they wanted to ride the remaining 3 miles back to their cars. I followed them and then saw it--a wall of rain not even a quarter of a mile from them. It started pouring buckets and hubby finally relented and jumped in the car. The other one sped up and was absolutely drenched by the time he got to the car.
Back when my husband was 18ish and still living with his folks he was riding his motorbike on the highway, trying to get home, when a storm rolled in. He was completely out in the open with nowhere safe to stop so tried to get through it. Lightning hit the ground right by him. Bike tires don't insulate from ground strikes. He was instantly knocked unconscious at highway speed. He has no idea how long he was out of. He woke up on the road and found his bike a fair ways down the road, in the ditch on the other side. No one was around and there was no where to go for help. This was before the days of cell phones. Fortunately his bike had a kick start instead of an electronic ignition so it started back up and he made it home. He says the bike always blew a lot of fuses after that, even after he replaced all of the wiring.
I don't like to take thunderstorms travel to lhasa tibet lightly since I've experienced a lightning strike first hand. We've had several kids in our community killed by lightning because of being out in the open and not being aware of how far lightning can travel. One kid was on the track at the high school. He and his grandfather were enjoying quality time together when the boy was hit by lightning. Another boy was with his youth group from the church and was out floating on the river. A thunderstorm brewed and the kids got out of the water, travel to lhasa tibet but the boy was struck while huddled under a tree. The father, who was the minister, was with him when it happened.
I watched the Discovery Channel when they aired a program about people who were hit by lightning. One was a cyclist from CO that was hit by lightning and initially survived, but later died from complications. travel to lhasa tibet The scary thing was there were no storms predicted or clouds in his area when he was hit.
Having been hit by lightning through the phone (yes, it can travel travel to lhasa tibet through phone lines and water, hence no showers during a storm!), I don't mess around. Sort of. Try to get inside if possible, but I'm not against trying to snap a few pictures. And really, what are the odds I'll get struck again?
Today, more rain is predicted, but he rode his bike to work anyway. I think this is a worse situation than yesterday -- he'll be riding through drive-time traffic, and does not have his screaming yellow jacket with him. His shirt today is a kind of muted green...
I have been watching the progression of the rain areas on and called him a bit ago to let him know that if he wants me to meet him, I'll be more than happy to. I don't think he enjoyed the rainy ride home (after the lightning stopped) as much as I did!
Having travel to lhasa tibet been hit by lightning through the phone (yes, it can travel through phone lines and water, hence no showers during a storm!), I don't mess around. Sort of. Try to get inside if possible, but I'm not against trying to snap a few pictures. And really, travel to lhasa tibet what are the odds I'll get struck again?
I've had two very near hits. I call them that since neither was a direct, knock out hit. both of my hits were to the house that I was in and the charge traveling through the house to me. people usually move away from me in storms.
I LOVE thunder/lightning storms. I grew up back east where the storms were awesome! I miss them out here in Western Washington, travel to lhasa tibet very rare. I remember sitting out on my parent's back porch with my sisters and brother and watching the sky light up and then counting until we heard the thunder to see how far away the strom was! The smell of the air during a big lightning storm is something I miss too!
Sundial, your hubby should be thankful for having you! Driving all the way out there to pick him up and save him from beng drenched and hit by lightning. He is a stubborn hubby! Waiting to the very last minute to finally jump into the car!
Sundial, your hubby should be thankful for having you! Driving all the way out there to pick him up and save him from beng drenched and hit by lightning. He is a stubborn hubby! Waiting to the very last minute to finally jump into the car!
First, she wouldn't have done something like this ...but if she had, absent her calling me and asking for help, she might have felt parented and over protected by my initiative. Silver, would you agree?
I don't think hubby was necessarily stubborn, but maybe he and buddy wanted to press the limit to learn the limit ...if they survived, they would have made a big fish story that would have become a hurricane survival guide at the next club ride.
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