Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anthony Wagerman, Divisional Managing Director for Travelex Currency Services talks with Travel Expe

As soon as I check out of the recently re-opened NYLO Warwick Hotel in Warwick, RI and give you an update on this height-of-contemporary-boutique-hotel, which I ll do in transit to Boston and on the way back to the beautiful Berkshire Mountains in Western Massachusetts to be in time for tonight s Tangelwood performance, I need to give you insights into the ridiculous bit of copy written rome vacation packages by CNN and read aloud to viewers which described a street brawl in a residential neighborhood in Belfast, Northern Ireland last Sunday as a tussle between , British Pro-Protentents and Irish Pro-Catholics. Watch for the explanation of whatever that is supposed to mean here at my blog! It s hard to believe a statement that stupid could have been made by an organization focused on news. On the otherhand, they are the folks that brought us hours of live televised broadcast news about a child in a mylar balloon floating above the earth that was a complete hoax and brought us the over-the-edge Shirley Sherrod story one could also characterize as a hoax.
I m on my way from the NYLO Warwick, rome vacation packages Rhode Island to Boston for a Lobster/Clambake at the New England Aquarium. This luncheon is hosted at the aquarium for the July meeting of an organization rome vacation packages in travel that I belong to. Sounds like it s going to be a perfect afternoon but I have to tell you I feel a bit odd about chowing rome vacation packages down on what sounds like a delicious seafood menu on the deck of an aquarium. It brings to mind the company whose summer family picnic was a barbeque in a meadow surrounded by cows! And then there s that billboard advertising rome vacation packages campaign I saw everywhere in the south one year for Chick-fil-A that had big cows on their signs saying, Eat more chicken! Maybe chicken and salads would have been a better menu choice for today at the aquarium! I m going to make sure that I don t eat anywhere near a lobster tank. That would not be cool!
Anthony Wagerman, Divisional Managing Director for Travelex Currency Services talks with Travel Expert Stephanie Abrams rome vacation packages about Travelex's chip and Pin enabled MasterCard rome vacation packages Cash Passport pre-paid currency card. Listen to this interview before you take your next trip to Europe or the UK.
Click here to listen to a Travelers411 Online Exclusive with Mark Leslie, CEO of Martello Media in Dublin, Ireland. Martello rome vacation packages Media designs interactive exhibits such as the Cliffs of Moher Visitors Center Experience, Black Rock Castle Observatory, rome vacation packages W.B. Yeats exhibit at the National Library in Dublin, 2010 World Expo Irish Pavilion and the Guiness Storehouse interactive experience in Dublin.

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