Sunday, July 29, 2012

Longer "full-day" snorkeling tours are offered by numerous local businesses, for approximately $100-

Caye Caulker is popular with backpackers and budget travelers for its (relatively) cheap prices, laid-back vibe, and abundance of restaurants and bars. There aren't really any proper travel channel hosts beaches to speak of, but plenty of docks are spread around the island where you can pull up a plastic chair and get your sun on, or hang out at one of the ocean front restaurants or walk down to "The Split" which is a popular swimming area and if you're feeling a bit thirsty, The Lazy Lizard Bar is just couple steps away from the water.
There are only 3 roads in town, all sandy. Front Street runs along the east coast, Back Street along the west coast, and Middle Street exactly where you'd expect it. The vast majority of places of interest to a visitor will be found along Front St and the west coast.
On early British maps the island's name is spelled "Cay Corker." Known historically for its plentiful supply of exposed fresh water at La Aguada, one theory holds that this island was a favourite stop for sailors to replenish and cork water bottles. The Spanish name of the island is Cayo Hicaco, which means "the island of the cocoplum." "Caye Caulker" could be an anglicised pronunciation of Cayo Hicaco. Another theory is that boats were caulked in the protected bay, La Ensenada, on the western side of the island leading to the "Caulker" name.
Recent history of Caye Caulker travel channel hosts began when Mestizo refugees from the Mexican Caste Wars arrived. With few inhabitants, food could be grown with sustainable methods travel channel hosts of agriculture. The coconut and the fishing industry became important economic staples of the island. Even today a few of the older women continue to process coconut oil for their own use and to sell, although generally the coconuts themselves are harvested and shipped to the mainland.
Caye Caulker Airport ( IATA : CUK ) is located travel channel hosts at the southern end of the island. Belize is served by both Maya Island Air [2] and Tropic Air [3] . Flights leave hourly from Belize travel channel hosts City to San Pedro, and will stop here if there is demand. These local planes leave from the international travel channel hosts airport and the cost is approximately US$75 one-way and about $45 from the municipal airstrip, and takes about 10-15 min. These planes travel channel hosts also leave from the Belize City Municipal Airport ( IATA : TZA ) and the cost is less.
If you're coming in from Mexico you can fly from Corozal, 20 min from the Mexican border at Chetumal. The flights stop in Ambergris and Caye Caulker if there's demand, and will save you the 4+ hour bus ride to Belize City.
San Pedro Belize Express [5] - $20Bz one-way and $35Bz round-trip. (Check their website for departures). Boats leave Belize City from the Brown Sugar Marketplace at 9am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5:30pm to Caye Caulker and from San Pedro on the beach behind the town council every hour and a half starting at 7am.
If you are coming from Mexico you can get a boat directly travel channel hosts from Chetumal to San Pedro and then to Caye Caulker, it runs everyday, leaving at 3PM and 3:30PM, US$35, 2.5 hr. While twice the cost, this route is a much better option than trekking down to Belize City and getting the boat there. Tickets can be bought at the Maritime Terminal or Muelle travel channel hosts Fiscal itself or from a slow speaking large friendly dude at Chetumal ADO terminal.
There are only three main streets on Caye Caulker travel channel hosts - Front Street, Middle Street and Back Street - none of which are paved. Front Street , the easternmost travel channel hosts street, is the busiest and has almost everything for tourists on it. Everything is within walking distance, it takes approximately 20 min to slow-walk travel channel hosts from the Front Pier to almost anywhere.
Hol Chan Marine Reserve , ( 6.4 km (4 mi) south of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye ), ☎ +501 226-2247 , [6] . Has been protected for longer than the local reef, and so it usually has more mature marine life (i.e. bigger fish) as well as more people, though it's never terribly travel channel hosts crowded. It's further away than the local reef. edit
Shark and Ray Alley . Tour operators will toss food into the water in order to attract nurse sharks and southern sting rays. You can swim with them, and even touch them if you're quick. Nurse sharks can bite, contrary to myth, but they are also territorial so these sharks are very used to humans.
The Blue Hole is circular in shape, over 300 m (984 ft) across and 124 m (407 ft) deep, with many fish, sharks, and corals. The Blue Hole is possibly the most famous dive site in Belize, even though it's nearly straight down. It's at least an hour boat ride away from Caye Caulker. The dive depth is normally described as 40 m (130 ft).
Caye Caulker is a small, very laid-back Caribbean island. In fact, its motto is "Go Slow" and that is exactly what you should do. It is an ideal place to spend a few days while taking a break from travelling around the rest of Central America .
Chill out at The Lazy Lizard located at "the split," a little bar on its own near what can only be described as the island's only beach, however, do not expect Rio or Hawaii - there is no sand here. The "beach" is a sunken area of a picnic area surrounded by cement sea walls, damage travel channel hosts from the hurricane and smartly kept as it was in 1961. On the walls you'll see the young and hip lazing about, catching a tan. When it gets too hot, you can jump into the water and climb back again, or make the short walk to the Lazy Lizard to refresh your drink.
Much of the activity on the island centers around snorkelling and diving (about a dozen operators offering trips) and scuba diving. The prices at all the shops are basically the same. The local diving is at Hol Chan Marine travel channel hosts Reserve, a 30 min boat ride away. A little further travel channel hosts out is Spanish travel channel hosts Bay, Caye Chapel, and some other sites. Long distance trips to Turneffe Atoll and the famous Blue Hole are regularly available.
Short "half-day" snorkeling travel channel hosts tours are offered by numerous local businesses for approximately $40Bz per person. They usually leave at 10:30AM and 2:30PM. Stops include the local reef, the Coral Garden, and Shark and Ray Alley.
Longer "full-day" snorkeling tours are offered by numerous local businesses, for approximately $100-110Bz. They usually leave around 10AM and return around 4:30PM. Stops include the Coral Garden, Shark and Ray Alley, and Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Be sure to check whether your tour guide will include lunch, travel channel hosts since some only include snacks. Some of them include lunch, snacks, and a Rum Punch "happy hour" on the way back. With all operators, check to make sure they have equipment that is in good shape.
The creation of Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary - a manatee reserve near Belize City is due to the efforts of a Caye Caulker local named Chocolate. He offers guided tours to the Manatee reserve approximately every other day, as do a few other tour operators. Be warned that you don't get to swim with the manatees in the sanctuary and some days may be more difficult to see them. Most manatee tours include one or two snorkeling stops. Manatees can be seen all year long, and in the summer months can be seen near Hol Chan Marine Reserve as well as other local areas. The younger ones are curious and will swim close to you, unlike the more mature manatees, which generally avoid people (for good reason).
Carlos Tours is located next to Cafe Amore, 1 block south of the Sandbox restaurant. An eco-friendly tour and quite respectful of the reef. The locals living on the island will say that his tours are one of the best. The tour includes 4 stops: Hol Chan Marine Reserve, San Pedro on Ambergris Caye for lunch (not provided), Shark-Ray Alley, Coral Gardens. The price is $90Bz. Carlos will take multiple underwater pictures travel channel hosts during the trip and can supply them on a CD after the trip for $30Bz. This is much better than getting $40Bz underwater disposable camera.
Seagull Adventures , about a block from the Front Pier, offers snorkeling tours to more distant locations that most other tour guides will only go to for diving. Examples include Blue Hole (about $230Bz per person), Tourneffe Atoll (about $120Bz per person), etc. Ask the owner a few days in advance to find out what the schedule is. The best time to catch her is in the evening, around 6PM, during the day she's usually gone on the snorkeling trips.
Juni's , sailing/snorkling trips to hol chan marine reserve. Authentic experience on a beautiful self built sailing boat. Small groups to maximum of 6 people. Only for those who respect the ocean, the fish and the locals. If you like drinking travel channel hosts and smoking with 20+ people on a sailing boat, then don't go to Juni. Go to raggamuffin instead. Find Juni in his office behind the police station, best before 9.30AM and after 5.30PM, or at his boat Trinity at the dock. Experience yourself, and direct nice and friendly people to him if you can.
Caye Caulker is popular with divers and there are several dive shops on the island. Contact them a few days in advance to find out what their schedule is. PADI certified dive shops are available offering both recreational diving and open water courses. These courses normally take 3-4 days, providing the weather is fair. The certification includes 2 shallow-water dives, and 4 open-water dives. All dives are done in the ocean.
The local dive shops all offer dive trips to the Blue Hole, Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Caye Caulker Marine Reserve, Spanish Bay, Turneffe North, and Turneffe Elbow, prices vary depending on the dive site.
Belize Diving Services , ( Near the soccer field in the northern half of the town ), [8] . PADI Resort facility. Small groups, safety conscious and is the only dive shop to offer technical diving services. edit
Tsunami Adventures , extreme north end of Front St., [10] . This is a great way to explore the northern mangrove forest. Head for the leeward side of the island (the west side) for smoother water and to avoid paddling travel channel hosts into the wind. Cost for a two-person travel channel hosts kayak is $15Bz per hour for the first hour, then $10Bz for each additional hour.
Manatee watching travel channel hosts Tours normally include a snorkeli

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