Saturday, July 28, 2012

Royal Marine Martyn Williams is poised to rappel from a helicopter carrying the Olympic torch on Fri

July 2012 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Published since 02/04/2000 original article PanARMENIAN.Net Published on July 20, 2012 ARA NAJARIAN sacramento luxury car rental REMOVED FROM METROLINK BOARD OF DIRECTORS, FILES APPEAL
To his surprise sacramento luxury car rental and dismay, sacramento luxury car rental Glendale City Councilman Ara Najarian has been replaced with Los Angeles County Supervisor sacramento luxury car rental Mark Ridley-Thomason at the Metrolink board of directors, where Najarian sacramento luxury car rental had served for six years, Glendale News-Press sacramento luxury car rental reported.
In one of his first acts as the new chairman of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority board, Supervisor sacramento luxury car rental Michael D. Antonovich removed Najarian last Friday, saying Ridley-Thomas was more closely aligned with his vision to create a regional transportation sacramento luxury car rental system that included rail links to local airports.
MTA board chairmen have the power to appoint three members of the Southern sacramento luxury car rental California Regional Rail Authority board, the governing body for the Metrolink commuter railroad sacramento luxury car rental that serves six counties. Palmdale City Councilman Tom Lackey will be Ridley-Thomas' sacramento luxury car rental alternate.
"I was very surprised," Najarian said. "I supported every motion that had to deal with his [Antonovich s] region of concern, the Antelope Valley. We were consistently voting with each other and I thought we had great cooperation in making sacramento luxury car rental the line safer and providing more service."
As an attorney, Najarian said he brought sacramento luxury car rental legal expertise to the Metrolink board and was able to handle many of the legal issues surrounding the Chatsworth crash in September 2008, when a Metrolink train hit head-on with a freight train and 25 people died.
Following the deadly accident, he said he worked to improve Metrolink's management, purchase low emissions locomotives, add trains and boost safety, including the installation of positive train control, a sophisticated collision avoidance system.
Though he is a member of the MTA board and the board of the construction authority that built the new Expo light rail line, Ridley-Thomas has no experience with heavy rail systems, such as Metrolink, and Metrolink does not serve any part of his supervisorial district.
Najarian pointed that out during a recent Glendale City Council meeting. "If you're wondering how many miles of Metrolink rail are in Supervisor Ridley-Thomas's district, that number is zero," he said.
Tony Bell, a spokesman for Antonovich, said the supervisor selected Ridley-Thomas because he thought he would be a better partner developing a transportation network sacramento luxury car rental that serves many areas of the county. He added that Antonovich has prioritized the construction of rail links to local airports, such as Bob Hope in Burbank, LA/Ontario International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport. | Home | Tweet Translate Translate RSS PanARMENIAN.Net Headlines for July 20, 2012 BAKO SAHAKYAN CLAIMS sacramento luxury car rental VICTORY IN ARTSAKH PRESIDENTIAL RACE According to preliminary results of the Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic's Central Election Commission, the incumbent leader, Bako Sahakyan, gained sacramento luxury car rental 47 085 (66,7%) of the votes to win the presidential sacramento luxury car rental ... GEORGIA DOES NOT RECOGNIZE NKR POLLS, BACKS AZERI "TERRITORIAL sacramento luxury car rental INTEGRITY" Georgia does not recognize July 19 presidential elections in Nagorno Karabakh, a statement issued by the country's foreign ministry said.
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