Monday, July 2, 2012

For the 17 th year, the Community Christmas Dinner was an overwhelming success.  Attendance was the

Not only was the food delightful but Nelson and Vittoria and staff went out of their way to accommodate star princess cruises the elders of Revelstoke. Access is always a challenge for the older set and Isabella s made sure we were front and center for the Canada Day parade.  Nelson even went so far as to park in front of the patio until the parade started to make sure that no one would park and obscure star princess cruises the view for the seniors.
The 2012 Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life was held on Sunday star princess cruises June 10 from 10:00am – 10:00pm at Mtn View School Ball Field and a great day was had by all. It started off with introductions, then a message from Mayor Dave Raven, followed by Survivors Victory Lap and the Caregivers joining them leading into the teams 1 st walker. We had a few drops of rain throughout the day but it certainly did not dampen the spirits of any of the 12 teams that participated, they had great team activities happening every hour lots of great prizes to giveaway and great food to eat, we had an interactive Cancer mission delivery, which was great to be able to learn a lot about all different types of cancer.
A huge Thank You to all the team captains and the participants for a job well done, the total of the day reflects as to how hard you all worked to raise money for the event. Thank You to the Revelstoke Elks for providing us with their DJ services all day, thank you to all the continued support from Times Review , E-Z Rock, Revelstoke Current for keeping the Community updated with all of the happenings star princess cruises for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life throughout the year as well of coverage and stories leading up to the Relay event day.
CPRail – Tim Schumacher, La Baguette, Woolsey Creek, Rev Golf Club, Revelstoke Florists, Energy matters, Southside Grocery, Conversations, Refinery Day Spa, Video Express, Subway, Praxair, Mt Begbie Brewing, Regent star princess cruises Inn, Powder Springs, Pure Image Studios, Raquet Den, People's Drug Mart, Village Idiot,  Revelstoke's Own water and Ice, Salon Safari and Academy, Wright's Machine Works, Wilkinson;s Steel, Canyon Industrial Electric, Dr Johnstone, Modern bakery, Ray's butcher Shop, Nomad Food Co., Revelstoke star princess cruises septic Service, All Good things Revelstoke.
There is a group of special people that worked tirelessly for months to plan the event for the Community, Kathie Mackey and all registration Volunteers, Greg Louttit ,all Luminary volunteers, RBC treasury  volunteers, Emmet Anderson logistics and his many volunteers, Lindy Silano Survivors Tent, also Bob Loeppky our MC for the day and members of the Elks who volunteered their time to help in so many ways  THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!
All of this brought star princess cruises our total to  $48,377. I am so proud of everyone. Next year's Relay For Life is Sunday June 9 ,2013 at Mtn View School again…you can already sign up on line at DON T MISS NEXT YEAR… get your team registered and if you have some time to spare and would like to help out a great cause and have fun doing it, please sign up to Volunteer, we really need to have some spaces filled for next year, so if you are interested star princess cruises please give me a call at 250-837-9462, now above all I would like to sincerely sayThank  you to each and every one of the Revelstoke Residents who donated to the participants and bought Luminaries, thank you, we truly are blessed to live in the Community that we do as everyone is compassionate star princess cruises when it comes to a cause, have a great summer everyone…
I d like to formally thank all of the people, including my children Andrew, Chris and his wife Yvonne (and my grandson Nicola), their mother Carol Kalmacoff, my brother Greg, Leslie and David Savage, old friend Steve Mertl, my cousin Cathy Lewis of San Francisco and most of all my close friend Sue Leach, for coming to see me  while I was in St. Paul s Hospital in Vancouver. star princess cruises I am also grateful to all of the people who sent me scores of e-mails, voice mails and Facebook messages and other gestures of support, prayers and best wishes. You really did helpe me through my latest and most serious health crisis.
Your affection and efforts to reassure and help me were deeply appreciated. I especially liked the cards from Sheryl Wolgram, Pat Anderson  and Helen Grace and the card Leslie Savage organized that was signed by dozens of my friends.
To Whom it may concern star princess cruises I would like to voice my opinion about food banks in particular our own food bank. I have had the unfortunate luck to use a few food banks in B.C. and Alberta. I have had a chance to compare food banks and by far the food bank in Revelstoke is run very well. Patti does a tremendous job trying to make sure that people here have access to such a well-run foodbank.
When I was at my daughter s in Alberta recently she had to make use of the food bank there ,so I went with her to help. The people there can have a hamper once every two months and they are aloud to access the front three times a week which consists of bread ,crackers,cookies and potatoes. The only time that you receive fruit and vegetables is when you get a hamper and when you have young children they do not go very far. When one has to use the services of a food bank your self esteem is not very high and this particular one in Alberta by the time you leave you feel even worse,it is hard enough for people to put there pride aside and use these services.
What I would like to say is that we as people of Revelstoke are very lucky to have such a well run food bank and I would like to give praise where praise is due and that goes to Patti Larson. Thank you, Patti, for letting people star princess cruises here be able to hold their heads up high and feel good about themselves even when they have to use the service of the Food Bank. You do a very good job of running the Revelstoke Food Bank.
My name is Rocco Catalano and on January 24 while I was traveling from Williams Lake, I had the misfortune star princess cruises to hit a slick area on Highway star princess cruises 1 just your side of Griffin Lake.  My car slid towards an oncoming vehicle and I swerved to avoid it, sending my car into a 360 spin that banged off the cement barricade on my side of the road a couple of times.  Against most odds, I didn't star princess cruises hit anything other than that cement barricade.  My air bags deployed and I was able to slip out the passenger door with no bodily injuries whatsoever.
A fellow named Lester, traveling from Edmonton saw what happened, stopped, and volunteered to drive me to Revelstoke.  We got coffee at the Tim Hortons while I used Lester's phone to contact BCAA and a tow truck.  As I was waiting star princess cruises for the tow truck, I thought I would ask Tim's Afternoon Coffee Boys' Club, for information as to a reputable car repair star princess cruises shop.  They all stopped and listened carefully and before you could sip a double-double, one of the fellows had pulled out his cell phone and was checking out the number of a local car shop.  This was much to the amusement of his table buddies, who thought if he was to borrow some glasses, the phone number might be forthcoming a mite sooner. These great guys also mentioned other pointers for dealing with my car situation in Revelstoke.  The ladies at Mr. Hortons were accommodating, lending me their phone book and writing material.
Before I could finish my coffee, Mike Dressler of Columbia Towing showed up.  I said good-bye to Lester and I kicked myself for not asking his full name but what a stand up guy!  Mike picked up my car without incident and took it to the towing shop.  Win Manderson, who was manning star princess cruises the shop while Teresa was away, graciously allowed me to use the phone to sort out a few business issues and to contact family star princess cruises members.  Win also suggested that I contact Andrew and Kathy Inkster who owned nearby Thrifty Car Rental.  Once I settled the car rental arrangements with Andrew, he told me the Swiss Chalet would be easy to find and good place to stay.
I arrived at the Swiss Chalet feeling drained, however, I had basically resolved star princess cruises to myself that despite the bad accident, I still had brain signals as well as blood flowing in my body.  It was only going to cost me money, time, and inconvenience so I might as well adopt a positive attitude.  When I met Philippa Cahill, the lady in charge at the motel, her manner and Kiwi accent put me at ease.  (Philippa's a real sweetheart and a credit to her native New Zealand).  She gave me the run down of what the motel offered and proposed a restaurant for me to consider as well as directions to it.  I ended up at Zalas and had a superb steak with a Canuck win on the overhead screen for dessert!
What cost me in a small way (in the big scheme of things), gifted me with a wonderful appreciation and memory of the Revelstoke community.  You obviously have much hidden potential in the heart department. You should be proud of yourselves and the gifts you bestow on others with your everyday kindnesses!
These are some of the posters entered in the Canadian Avalanche Centre s Avalanche Safety Poster Contest for local students. The CAC has an annual poster contest for elementary kids in conjunction with the Avalanche Awareness days, says the CAC s Bridget Daughney. The contest is pretty simple. Kids need to write a winter safety slogan on a regular sized piece of paper and draw/colour a picture to illustrate it. Any elementary student can enter. The posters are really fun and it is good for kids as they revise the topics I taught them before the winter break. They get so creative it is great. Bridget Daughney photo
For the 17 th year, the Community Christmas Dinner star princess cruises was an overwhelming success. star princess cruises Attendance star princess cruises was the best ever, with well over 300 people sitting for dinner, and 97 dinners delivered or taken home for the next day.
On behalf of Community Connections – Clients, Staff, Board Members and Volunteers we wish to express our real appreciation for this vital contribution to our work. Without your generous support, we would be unable to continue to provide the services we do for our clients.
The Greyhound bus service is the only public transport

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