Monday, July 23, 2012

Yes, next week I shall be on stage at the world famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival doing my own one-wo

Yes, next week I shall be on stage at the world famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival doing my own one-woman show!  Moi, a middle-aged housefrau doing all this exciting stuff still have to pinch myself.  The young wans make light of their (mostly shared) hours at the EdFringe seeing it as a step up the ladder  to the fame that is rightly theirs moi is just happy to have an excuse to leave the boys to their own devices for a few weeks and indulge myself in hotel accommodation where maids change the sheets and clean the room on a fairly regular basis plus the joys of a cooked breakfast minus the joys of the washing up.  The reason for the show is simple there is stuff I want to say and I m using the language of stand-up comedy to say it it s that simple cheap airline tickets las vegas as is my life.  Have had another invitation to sample some R and R after Edinburgh at the hunting lodge of my good friends Charlie and Annabel Beaton-Hargreaves up in the Scottish Highlands.  The Scottish Highlands are notoriously midge infested in the Autumn.  The last post Ed Fringe cheap airline tickets las vegas up there was almost six years ago after I did a play The Guid Sisters by Michel Tremblay I hoofed it up to a gourmet boutique cheap airline tickets las vegas hotel in Spean Bridge where the owner met me at the railway station and I was served tea and scones on arrival. cheap airline tickets las vegas The weather was splendid and afforded opportunities for mountain walking in the warm Autumn sun.  The next day I took the Harry Potter train from Inverness to Mallaig.  Though this Edinburgh will be long and Mediterranean sun is tempting.  No doubt more choices will present themselves.  Meanwhile tonight s work menu is learning off the Nun s set .  But rewards shall be mine.  Today s picture is from the beach on a certain Greek island the one which inspired the one-woman show!  Chat soon.

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