Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Same, same The opening page for the reservation had the correct amount of miles on it. Only the last

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This United China-gate 2012 incident where award tickets were sold on United for 4 miles each plus tax is just getting more and more entertaining.  A short recap is that reward tickets to China were sold for 4 miles each on Sunday afternoon for a period of a few hours.  I secured three tickets in First Class to China from Texas for my family (Grandma, my kiddo, and myself) for June 2013, as the opportunity was just way too good to pass up.  Of course, it was clearly an error as actual reward tickets in first class to China for three people would cost hundreds of thousands of miles not 12 miles plus $121.50 incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine in taxes.  However, I was happy to purchase three seats and sit back to see what would happen next.
A little over 24 hours passed and then an official announcement from United was posted from their representative on Milepoint.com and Flyertalk.com.  That statement indicated that customers would be contacted, and would have the option of either cancelling the reservation for no penalty incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine or they would be required incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine to pay the regular number of miles required. incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine That was a bummer as a virtually free trip would have been awesome, but it wasn t entirely unexpected.  In fact, it is the outcome that most people (myself included) seem to have believed was most likely.
Hmmm, guess that means the plot has thickened a bit.  I know I have not been contacted by United, nor have I noticed any changes to my ticketed and confirmed reservation.  To be clear, I don t think I deserve a virtually free ticket to China.  I knew it was a mistake when I booked incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine it, and life will move on just fine if it ultimately isn t honored.  That said, I will happily incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine go and discover China with my family if the ticket is honored.  As I posted on Milepoint , I ll even volunteer to head up some charity activity in honor of the virtually free trip so many of us will get if it is honored.  I m all for keeping some balance in the miles and points universe.
However, whether the tickets incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine are honored incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine or not, this whole incident has raised some interesting questions in my mind.  What if it had been 40,000 miles charged instead of 4?  40,000 miles is still less than the regular posted mileage rate to China, but it isn t unheard of for there to be specials or discounted mileage rates from time to time on various airlines.  It would be reasonable to assume that not everyone booking at 40,000 miles would know it was an error, and those customers would reasonably make other travel plans to go along with their tickets as believe they are headed to Asia.  Would it still be okay for an airline to come back and say oops that was a computer glitch, either cough up more miles (that the customer may not have), or your confirmed reservation is now cancelled.  If that is the case, what is a reasonable time frame by which the airline should personally notify the customer of the issue?  At the very least, I hope we get some of those types of questions incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine answered as a result of China-gate 2012 .
I know people are already traveling on the 4 mile tickets, and more have reservations coming up over the next several days.  Mine isn t for 10 more months, so I am sure all will be sorted out by then, but how long should the airlines have to notify passengers of a mistake that won t be honored?
I m not out to stick it to United , but I m also not going to sit on the sideline and miss out on what could amount to a chance of a lifetime.  For better or worse, I ll still be a United flyer regardless of the outcome of this situation, incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine but I certainly wouldn t complain if they did decide to honor the tickets.  I know for sure with more and more mainstream media stories popping up about this issue today ( including the AP and NBC ), that the end of the saga has not yet been told.
If you do have a reservation like I do, my advice is to just sit tight and see what happens.  Obviously incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine if your travel is imminent, you need to decide how you are going to proceed.  If you fall in that camp, I would make sure your hotel reservations are refundable right up until you depart for China.  If you didn t get in on this oops IT opportunity, I would still carefully watch how this saga unfolds, as it may impact an award reservation you hold in the future.
On the other side, I think it is clear that business is business. incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine UA does need a lot time to clear the mess, come up with several plans, evaluate each options, calculate the cost and finally make a decision.
The lack of communication from united over the last 3 days is a major error on their part. Given the condition that us frequent flyers are held to (cancel within incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine 24 hours or pay a penalty), my sympathy for the mistake is waning rapidly. The more time that ticks by, the less guilt I will have when I am sitting in my almost-complimentary first class seat for the 15 hour flight to Hong Kong.
FYI: The payment of cash was not for United s services, it was government fees and taxes, incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine so I think United could certainly make an argument that they received no cash for the tickets. Further, from all the reports I have seen, the people who didn t have enough miles for the normal redemption rates were never charged the four miles, so absolutely no argument can be made that they fully paid the agreed upon amount, so the DOT regulations wouldn t even apply.
Same, same The opening page for the reservation had the correct amount of miles on it. Only the last page had the error. So anyone booking would already know they were dealing with a mistake, whether a mistake of 120K miles, or of 160K miles.
As much as I would love to get a FC flight to China for 8 miles roundtrip, and being no friend of United, I don t understand why United gets stuck for this. If a bank accidentally puts $100,000 in your account, do you get to keep it? No, you are required to return it. And if you have already spent it when they realize incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine their mistake you are in serious legal trouble if you cannot pay it back. Why the DOT thinks that airlines, which have never made a profit since, oh say the Wright Brothers, ought to be subject to possibly millions of dollars in losses just because a known error was exploited by very savvy travel hackers is beyond me.
It would be very different if UA had advertised a certain price for a flight, and it was reasonable enough for people to in good faith assume it was simply a good sale fare, and bought it on that basis. But no, virtually everyone who get in on this found it thru travel blogs, which said right up front this is a mistake incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine fare , and booked it on a lottery ticket basis, knowing they had a good chance of it being cancelled by UA.
As for the people already in China, they are like someone in the example above who found $100,000 in their bank account that they knew wasn t theirs, and went out and quickly spent it, figuring when the bank asked for it back, they would just say sorry, I spent it already . They have already incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine gotten incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine more than they deserve with the flight over. But it would be terrible public relations for United to strand them there. So if I was United management, incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine I d tell them you got lucky on the first flight, and we are giving you a free flight home in economy, with our compliments .and cancel incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine all reservations for the future. An email to everyone with a 4 mile reservation saying Sorry, you knew it was too good to be true, and it was. We wish we could afford to give you this fare, but we can't… is really all that is called for here.
I recommend everyone state your situation(caught it or not?????) before making these comments. If all of the above were written by those missing it, there is no creditworthiness or objectness with this issue at all. It just sounds too personal, filled with disappointment and jealousness.
I was in the category that ultimately got charged the full amount. I am having trouble getting my reservation that is booked for next week canceled without a penalty. If you can the main support line on their end they never saw an error, but if you get transferred to the web support they see the 4 miles 70k miles.
I ve been put on hold for 45+ mins. When the CSR got back on the line he could barely speak english and acted as if I was in the middle of a hurricane and could not hear me. Seems to me that United has dropped the ball on this one. If they are going to offer to allow people to cancel outside of the 24 hours they need to have their CSR s informed. Having to keep calling just so I don t get charged incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine to have my miles redeposited makes me feel as if I am being punished for their mistake!
I agree..I think most people who got in on the deal will now say they should be able to keep the tickets and the majority who missed out on the deal for whatever reason (including myself) will say it is not right, should have seen it coming, etc ..Human nature.
If most people found a hundred dollar bill in front of their driveway, they would not invest much energy in asking the neighborhood if anyone was missing the bill or for that matter, most would not immediately donate incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine it to charity.
When I read the blogs on Sunday, I was able to pull up the deal . Before executing, I decided incidents of violent reaction to africa travel vaccine to do what I thought was the right thing. I didn t execute the transaction. Instead, I called Uni

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